Poll Question: Who Invited You to Be a Catechist?

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Of course, all of us catechists were called by Jesus! However, Jesus most often uses others as his instruments and messengers. With that in mind, I’m curious to see just who Jesus is using these days to call others to serve as catechists. Below, please answer the poll question: Who invited you to be a catechist?

Perhaps this will inspire you to invite someone else to serve as a catechist!

Who invited you to be a catechist? poll results as of 08-31-23
Poll results as of 8/30/2023
About Joe Paprocki 2738 Articles
Joe Paprocki, DMin, is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts and God’s Gift: Reconciliation and Eucharist. Joe has more than 35 years of experience in ministry and has presented keynotes, presentations, and workshops in more than 100 dioceses in North America. Joe is a frequent presenter at national conferences including the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the Mid-Atlantic Congress, and the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership. He is the author of numerous books, including the best seller The Catechist’s Toolbox, A Church on the Move, Under the Influence of Jesus, and Called to Be Catholic—a bilingual, foundational supplemental program that helps young people know their faith and grow in their relationship with God. Joe is also the series editor for the Effective Catechetical Leader and blogs about his experiences in faith formation at www.catechistsjourney.com.


  1. The CFF director for the parish who happened to be the nun who taught me English in high school. Who can say NO to a nun?!?!?!

  2. Who invited me to be a Catechist? None of the above would be my response. In 1981 I went on my first weekend retreat and felt the call to get involved. I’ve been a Catechist for over 40 years,

    • Thanks for sharing, Rosemary. Indeed, some people simply sense a calling – a stirring – deep within and respond by serving the Lord as you have done. I’m amazed and inspired by the catechists – seemingly one after another – on this blog who have been catechizing for 40+ years as you have. God bless you!

  3. Responding to “Who invited you to be a Catechist?” In 1987, after returning to Louisiana from New York and sitting in the pew for seven years with no ministry work, the DRE announced at Mass that Catechists were needed for Parish Religion. I stood in line to speak with her and nothing but the Holy Spirit kept me there and moved me to the front of the line. I don’t remember moving my feet. As I stood at the table, my mouth would not open as I was still fighting this call – constantly reminding myself that while I worked with children as a social worker, I never inspired to be a teacher. I finally spoke as I could see she was getting annoyed with me starring at her. Well, from 1987-2005, I stayed on my task. I taught Reconciliation to 4th graders, then the Old Testament to 6th graders then to my greatest joy of teaching 2nd graders prepare for 1st Eucharist. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans and I ended up in Georgia, 20 miles East of Atlanta. There, I started training for the Stephen Ministry. Before finishing that, I returned to Louisiana. I rejoined Parish Religion, taught 6th graders for 1 year and changed churches. At the new church I began working with adults in Adult Faith Formation preparing for Sundays’ Gospel and learning more about our Faith – It is not the formal RCIA (now OCIA). We minister to the “parking lot” parents who drop their children off for Parish Religion. I serve as a co-facilitator. I’m still active as the facilitator for Bible Study which is by tele-conference because of the pandemic. I also sing in the choir. I am 78 years old and will serve in God’s Kingdom as long as possible. I really enjoy reading your articles and attending your webinars. Keep up the good work…

    • Hi Barbara and thanks for your kind words and for sharing your amazing story! I especially love your description of ministering to the “parking lot” parents! That is so-needed. May the Lord continue to use you and your gifts to serve his people and may he grant you good health in body, mind, and spirit so that you will indeed continue to serve his Kingdom as long as possible!

  4. This may sound strange but you need an “other” option because my answer is none of the above. My story is that I recently moved to another state and have been attending daily mass at the parish i joined a couple of times a week. One day after mass a woman came up to me, I had seen her at daily mass frequently, and she just asked me if I would consider teaching catechism classes. She said they were still looking for a sixth grade teacher and wondered if I would be interested. She is not involved in the program in any way, she is a parishoner and a lector. We chatted for a bit and I mentioned that I had been a teacher by training and that I had worked with children in summer camps.
    She waved Father over and said Father this woman was a teacher and she’d be good for teaching catechism. It all just kind of snowballed from there!

    • Thanks Ann! Yes, it sounds like you and a number of other folks found themselves searching for an “other” option! Those “snowballs” have gotten many of us over the years. How wonderful that a parishioner extended that invitation to you! (and that you accepted!)

  5. The last option is the closest to my experience, but it just kind of happened.

    When I started going to church (Protestant at the time) in high school I started helping with the Sunday School program because I’ve always worked with kids (baby sitting, Girl Scouts) and it turned out to be a great way to learn all the basic Bible stories that kids learn, but that I missed out on not growing up in church. Then pretty much every time I’ve switched churches or moved or when I became Catholic it was natural to volunteer for religious ed, so I did.

  6. I love my Faith and Jesus and have a burning passion to talk about it and teach others especially children. I like to share my faith and faith experiences with others with the intention they too may know Jesus and draw closer to him. With this mind I was naturally drawn to be a catechists because her I get to talk about Jesus and the catholic faith and teach children and adults too. I am blessed to be a catechists and will always be a catechists.

  7. Who invited me?… well…My little sister pushed me to go to the youth group and I was there for a couple of years, first as a spectator and then as a leader. then God called me to missionary life for 12 years (this was in Mexico) and then he changed my course; Outside the convent, my older sister insisted that she travel to the United States on vacation with Mom. Once here, she insisted that she go with her cure to help him with something (while I was here)… and here I am; No longer pushed, but enjoying and serving my brothers

    • Thanks so much for sharing, Luz Margarita! We all have people in our lives that gave us the “push” we needed…thank God for them! God’s grace comes through so many people in our lives!

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