Online Book Club: The Prayer List

The Prayer List by Jane Knuth - online book club

Make plans to deepen your spiritual life this summer from the comfort of your favorite reading spot. Join us here at Catechist’s Journey for an online book club starting June 4. We’ll be reading Jane Knuth’s The Prayer List…and Other True Stories of How Families Pray.

About the Book

When Jane Knuth inherited the family “prayer list” from her aunt, she decided to continue the tradition of praying regularly with the list of needs and thanks for relatives and friends. As Jane learned how to pray in her family and explored the prayer experiences of other families, she discovered a simple truth: the best way to pray with your family is the way that works best for your family.

About the Book Club

Let’s explore stories of family prayer this summer.

Jane will join us with weekly reflections and discussion prompts each Monday from June 4 through August 6. There’s no need to sign up; just drop in here at the blog throughout the summer as your schedule allows. Join the conversation in the comments.

Then on Tuesdays, return to Catechist’s Journey for Book Club Bonus Days. We’ll share additional stories of family prayer, continue the weekly conversation, and throw in a few fun surprises along the way.

How Do I Join?

Order your copy of The Prayer List now at the special price of 20% off the cover price, using code 4919 at

Subscribe to Catechist’s Journey so you don’t miss any of the posts (link in sidebar).

We’ll read at a comfortable pace of only a few short chapters each week. If you fall behind due to other summer commitments or vacation, don’t worry! The book club discussion follows the order of the book, but if you miss a week here or there, you can still find inspiration at any time in Jane’s wise words and stories about family prayer—and in the words of your fellow book clubbers.

Spread the word! If you’re a catechetical leader, please forward this post to your catechists and your fellow DREs/CREs/principals in neighboring parishes and schools. If you’re a catechist or school teacher, tell your catechetical leader about this book club and let your fellow catechists know. Share the below graphic on social media too: #prayerlist.

The Prayer List by Jane Knuth - online book club at Catechist's Journey

Reading Schedule

I look forward to this leisurely online discussion about family prayer. For now, introduce yourself in the comments below, so we can start getting to know each other. Share your name, where you’re from, and a favorite memory about family prayer.

Use promo code 4919 to receive 20% off The Prayer List. Shipping and handling are additional. Offer expires 8/10/18. Cannot be combined with other special offers. U.S. domestic shipping orders only.

About Joe Paprocki 2742 Articles
Joe Paprocki, DMin, is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts and God’s Gift: Reconciliation and Eucharist. Joe has more than 35 years of experience in ministry and has presented keynotes, presentations, and workshops in more than 100 dioceses in North America. Joe is a frequent presenter at national conferences including the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the Mid-Atlantic Congress, and the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership. He is the author of numerous books, including the best seller The Catechist’s Toolbox, A Church on the Move, Under the Influence of Jesus, and Called to Be Catholic—a bilingual, foundational supplemental program that helps young people know their faith and grow in their relationship with God. Joe is also the series editor for the Effective Catechetical Leader and blogs about his experiences in faith formation at


  1. Hi, I’m Laura, Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Religious Ed in NJ. One memory about family prayer would be when my dad (a regular usher at our church) taught us how to genuflect together after we brought up the Gifts as a family.

  2. Hi, I’m Dorothy, a second grade catechist, in PA. Fond memories remind me of family members sharing what they are thankful before mealtimes, together reviewing our God given day at bedtime, and reflecting on the faith passed down during everyday life experiences such as after the birth of our fourth child, “God grant’s you what you can handle with His help,” …Looking forward to encouraging the prayerlives of the busy, multi faith families entrusted to the care of our parish.

  3. Hi, my name is Judy. I’m a DRE in a parish in Maryland. As a child, my family always ate dinner together and prayed before meals. My father remains my role model for prayer and a strong faith. As children, my brothers and I would be distraught following Mass, as our Dad always knelt down to pray following Mass, and we were ready to fly! Today, at 93, his Missal is always by his side.

  4. Hello, My name is Lupe R. Thompson. I assist our Pastor on his initiative called “Seekers’ Session.” I also facilitate a Bible Study and Enrichment in Spanish. I did not grow up practicing family prayer. However, my mother was a woman of prayer. She would always pray when doing household tasks, either by lifting the task to the Lord, thanking Him for everything. Now, I pray mostly traditional prayers such as the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy but also practice lifting people, living and dead, who have/had asked for prayers. I look forward to share with you and learn from you. Blessings.

  5. Hello, my name is Lisa. I am one of the co-coordinators of our Family Religious Education Program at St. John Vianney Parish in Flint, MI. I am joining this book club to see if it might possibly be something we can use with a small group of our parents. One of the easiest ways that I teach parents who need to pray for someone on a particular day is to write the person’s name on their hand. Every time they see the name they say a quick prayer. You are literally carrying them (in your hand) in prayer throughout the day.

  6. Hi my name is Jane. I work at a Catholic high school in the library. While my children were growing up we found a good time to pray in the morning was in the car on the way to school. We would give thanks for prayers answered, we would pray for all the people and things that were going on in our life, and then we would recite the Our Father, Hail Mary,Glory be.
    I started resdi reading the Prayer List before I found out about this online book club. I am excited to hear others stories about family prayer

  7. I’m coming into this a bit late, I had an idea to start an online book club in our parish and came across this book. I did not know it was already part of an online book club! I would love some tips on how to do this on a parish level.

    • Renee, The Prayer List has a discussion guide available, so that can be helpful for a parish group gathering. You can also invite your parishioners to participate in this online book club at any time by sharing the link to this post with them.

      If you want your parish book club more private, I have heard of parishes using a members-only website for such a purpose. Group leaders could post their reflections or discussion questions of their own, and then participants could respond via comments features. A tech-minded parishioner would be helpful to recruit in such an initiative.

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