A great big SHOUT OUT to all the good folks of the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio, who came out to spend a day with me exploring how to take care of our catechists, ensuring that their formation pays attention to 3 dimensions: being, knowing, and doing. Thanks for such a great day!
Mixing pleasure with business, I was able to bring my mom along to Columbus so that we could visit with some relatives. Here we are enjoying dinner the night before my workshop, with my cousins Ray, Cathie (and her husband Bill) and Sr. Jean. Mom then spent the day on Thursday with Cathie while I did my presentation.
Your presentation in Columbus explored how formation need to pay “attention to 3 dimensions: being, knowing, and doing.” Do you plan on expanding more on these dimensions in the future on your website? I’m very interested and how you shared about each of these dimensions.
William, I could certainly do that. Let me know if you have any specifics in mind that you are looking for.