young people on service day collecting plastic bottles - © Leland BobbÈ/Corbis All rights reserved.

Promoting Catholic Identity, Part 3: A Respect for Human Life

This is the third article in a series on the five characteristics of Catholic identity and how we can nurture those in our children. We teach children to love and serve others, but do we ever explain why? Service is not just something nice to do; it is an important piece of our Catholic identity. We believe that every human life is sacred, because each person is created and loved by God. Therefore we are […]

preschoolers with blocks
Understanding Kids

Teaching Early Childhood Is Not Just Fun and Games

Whenever I would tell folks that my inclination is to teach older children—eighth grade or high school—some would remark, “Oh, I admire you for teaching the older kids. I could never do that. I teach the little ones.” In response, I would always say, “Oh, I admire you! I could never teach that age group!” And that’s the truth! I don’t have the gift of connecting with the “wee ones” of early childhood (pre-school, K, […]


In the Wake of Charlottesville – Teaching About the Sin of Racism

As the beginning of the catechetical year is upon us, many catechists are looking at wasting no time addressing the issue of racism which is at the forefront of the news these days, especially with the recent events in Charlottesville, VA. Catechists should be encouraged not to shy away from addressing this topic since it draws us into the very heart of Jesus’ message of love of neighbor. While some are proposing that there are […]