Divine Mercy - PD via Wikipedia
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Sunday of Divine Mercy—Taking Delight in Others

Recently, during one of my many airport experiences, I observed a young girl, maybe four years old, doing a little dance and calling out to her mother: “Mommy! Look! Mommy! Look at me! Mommy! LOOK!” Like every child, this little girl desperately wanted, not only her mother’s attention, but her mother’s approval and admiration. It’s our job as parents to turn our gaze to our children and to express our delight in them. That’s what […]

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Intermediate Grades

A Church of Mercy – In Action

I’m sure you’ve noticed that we at Loyola Press have been talking a lot about Pope Francis’s exciting new book, The Church of Mercy.As our publisher, Fr. Paul Campbell, S.J. reminds everyone, “Remember, Loyola Press is a not-for-profit Jesuit ministry, so this isn’t about lining our own pockets with gold but about getting the Pope’s joyful message of God’s love and mercy to as many as possible.” Heck, I was talking about MERCY here on […]

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Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!

I know little about the Greek language, however, when I was in my Doctor of Ministry program, one of my classmates was an Orthodox priest who taught me that their Easter greeting is “Christos Anesti!” which means, “Christ is Risen!” to which the response is “Alithos Anesti!” or “Indeed, He is Risen!” or “Truly, He is Risen!” And so, this Easter, instead of simply wishing you a “Happy Easter,” my greeting to you is, Christ […]

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The Canonizations of John XXIII and John Paul II

This year, on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27, 2014, the Catholic Church will celebrate the canonizations of 2 of our recent popes: John XXIII and John Paul II. To celebrate this upcoming event, Loyola Press is offering resources on the lives of both of these great men and their contributions to the Catholic Church. Click on their pictures below to link to these resources.               Here are some other […]

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Knowing How the Story Ends, Changes How You Experience the Story

As we enter and proceed through Holy Week, it is important for us to remember that we know how the story “ends!” And, of course, the story of Jesus’ Passion does not end with his death but is followed by Resurrection. It’s like this. Recently, I had a chance to watch a DVD that re-tells the experience of the Chicago Blackhawks winning the Stanley Cup last June. Last Spring, experiencing the actual games was excruciatingly […]

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Holy Week and Easter Resources

As we approach Holy Week and then the glorious 50-day celebration of Easter, here are some resources that I’m sure you will find helpful. Holy Week Resources Easter Resources

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Being a Catechist

Bishop David O’Connell’s 5 “i’s” For Effective Catechesis

I mentioned that when I was in the Diocese of Trenton, NJ, last week, I was inspired by Bishop David O’Connell’s homily in which he outlined, among other things, what he considers to be 5 essential elements for effective catechesis and effective catechists. Here are his 5 “i’s” –   Identity: get in touch with the Lord Jesus Christ through his Word, through prayer, through meditation, through the sacraments especially Penance and the Eucharist, through […]


This is MY Story!

I was delighted to discover last evening that my 6th graders had retained a great deal of what we covered during the year! In essence, I really emphasized 3 main topics this year: Old Testament stories, the Ten Commandments, and the Sacraments. Last night, we did a review of the Old Testament stories and it went very nicely. Here’s a pic that sets the stage: On the board is the theme/big idea for the session […]

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Tonight’s Session: What’s Your Story? “This is MY Story!”

This evening is the last chance I have this year to review with my 6th graders so I’m going to make the most of it! Here’s my plan: Big Idea: What’s Your Story? (This is MY Story!) Preliminaries (15 mins) Collect permission forms for Ronald McDonald House Mercy Experience Go over details for the upcoming Mercy Experience Opening procession and prayer ritual Engage (20 mins) Do “What’s Your Story?” ice breaker in which you ask questions […]

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Comings & Goings

Finding God in Trenton, NJ!

I had a wonderful experience this past weekend with many good folks from the Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey! On Friday, I enjoyed lunch with the staff of the diocesan catechetical office, Fr. Douglas Freer (Vicar for Catholic Education, Director of the Ministry of Catechesis and Evangelization), Jill Kerekes (Associate Director for Parish and School Catechesis), and Matthew Poole (Coordinator for Adult Faith Formation and New Evangelization). It was great to take the time to […]