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Intermediate Grades

A Delightful Evening Around the Campfire: Stories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Last evening was one of the most delightful evenings I’ve ever had as a catechist! I decided that, since we would be doing a lot of storytelling, that it would be nice to do so sitting around a campfire! I just needed to figure out how to build a pretend one indoors which luckily I found here. The kids absolutely loved it and it made for a very fun and engaging setting for getting a […]

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Intermediate Grades

Stories of Abraham and Jacob: Around the “Campfire” (While Roasting Marshmallows!)

This evening’s session is all about storytelling! First, we need to finish our work on the stories of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac from last week but then we will segue immediately into the great stories of that rascal, Jacob! To set the mood for the storytelling, I’m going to build a pretend campfire! Take a look: (For directions on how to make the pretend campfire and marshmallows, visit Here’s the overall plan: BIG IDEA: […]

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Catechetical Leaders

Reaching Out to Families – FREE Resources!

One of the greatest challenges that catechetical leaders face is reaching out to parents and families. Loyola Press to the rescue! Here are a number of FREE resources to help you strengthen ties with the parents and families in your parish program. One of the huge benefits of using a program such as Finding God is that you have so many of these FREE resources at your fingertips! (Downloads require Adobe Reader. Click here to […]

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Intermediate Grades

“Can We Collect Money for the Philippines?”

We had a very enjoyable session last evening, learning about God’s plan of salvation established with Abraham. I was most impressed with how the kids asked if they can collect money for the people suffering in the Philippines in the aftermath of the typhoon. They truly have charitable hearts! Here are some highlights of the evening: Our Big Idea was: Abraham trusted in God’s plan because God cares. We began by talking about how some […]

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Food and Faith

Food and Faith is a new Loyola Press online series that celebrates the many ways Catholics express their faith through the culinary arts. The connection between food and faith has always been present, from Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding at Cana to today’s celebration of the Eucharist at Mass. Loyola Press is excited to illuminate all the ways we feed our souls at the intersection of food and faith. The series (a part of […]

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Intermediate Grades

Session 8 (11/12/13): Abraham Teaches Us that God Cares

My friend and co-worker, Kate, has a hilarious habit of zipping by my cubicle in a feigned huff and claiming, “You don’t care!” Before I can even respond, she’s gone! While we laugh at Kate’s antics, the truth is, too many people feel as if no one cares about them. The story of Abraham teaches us that God indeed cares! In fact, God has a plan for us that has our best interests at heart. It’s […]

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Being a Catechist

Parish Religious Education Week

This week is Parish Religious Education Week! Under the auspices of the Religious Education Department, the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) is inaugurating a Parish Religious Education Week to highlight the important role played by parish-based religious education and faith-formation programs across the country. According to Lori Dahlhoff, director of the Religious Education Department, Parish Religious Education Week will honor all those serving in parish religious education and help strengthen interconnections between Catholic parish and school […]

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Intermediate Grades

Religious Education Family Mass

Yesterday, St. Cajetan’s hosted a Religious Education Family Mass to celebrate what God is doing in the lives of those involved in the RE program. All of the catechists were asked to make displays and we set them up in the back of the church. Before and after Mass, many people browsed the displays and had a chance to meet and talk to the catechists and enjoy refreshments (after Mass!) I had a chance to […]

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Liturgical Seasons & Feasts

Virtual Wall of Remembrance – The Month of All Souls

A very blessed All Souls Day to you! Catholics refer to the month of November as the “Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory” – an opportunity to take the spirit of All Souls Day (November 2) and to observe it all month long, recalling those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. Many parishes provide what they call a Wall of Remembrance, often a bulletin board in the church vestibule, […]

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Intermediate Grades

6th Grade Display for RE Family Mass

This Sunday, the Religious Education program at St. Cajetan will host a Family Mass at 9:00 AM and our DRE, Deb, asked each catechist to put together a display for their grade. I finished mine this morning, featuring how the kids are Finding God in the stories of the Old Testament and how God reveals his love to us leading up to his greatest revelation: his Son, Jesus Christ! Have a great weekend!