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Knowing (Not Explaining) the Trinity

This Sunday is, of course, Trinity Sunday. One problem that we often fall into when it comes to the Trinity is that we are always trying to explain the Trinity. Early Christians did not occupy themselves so much with explaining the Trinity as they did with KNOWING the Trinity. We can KNOW someone or something without fully understanding or being able to explain that someone or something. I KNOW my wife and she KNOWS me […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Congratulations, Graduates!

I just want to take this opportunity to offer congratulations to all of this year’s graduates that catechist’s are involved with in any way! From students we teach in Kindergarten, 8th grade, senior year high school and college to members of our own families who are graduating to all of the catechists who are completing formation programs and achieving certification by their dioceses! Praise God for these accomplishments and for the grace that enabled(s) all […]

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Joys and Frustrations

The Gifts of Reverence (aka Piety) and Fear of the Lord

Two of the wonderful Gifts of the Holy Spirit are the gift of Reverence, also referred to as Piety, and Fear of the Lord. How sorely these gifts are needed in our society today! Both of these gifts lead us to recognize and accept the reality that we are humble creatures at the service of our Creator and others. Both of these gifts lead us to recognize the proper attitude and response to take in any […]

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Understanding Kids

Teach Them to Pray

At the Catechetical Ministries Awards Banquet last evening (sponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago, Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry), Cardinal George gave the crowd some inside scoop on the Pope’s visit to the U.S. He told us that before the Pope departed, the bishops asked him some questions, one of which was, what his advice was about teaching young people in a culture of secularization. The Pope responded, “Teach them to pray!” I thought […]

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Catechist Meeting – Called By Name

Last night, we had our final catechist meeting for the program year and it was a delightful and enriching experience. We gathered in a large circle and began with an opening prayer that including a meditation led by Arlene, our DRE. The entire focus was on being called by name.  We each had a few moments to reflect on our own name, what we like/dislike about it, and how/when we feel we have been called […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

My Chat with Cardinal George

At my D. Min. graduation ceremony Saturday, I had a brief moment with Cardinal Francis George after he handed me my diploma and we waited for the photographer to snap a picture. After we shared greetings and pleasantries, we enjoyed the following exchange: Joe: “So, I’ll see you again this Tuesday night at the Catechetical Ministries Awards Banquet.” Cardinal George: “Oh, that’s right.” Joe: “After all, I am a catechist. And that’s more important than […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

D. Min. Graduation pics

Here are some pics from my Doctor of Ministry graduation Saturday…a wonderful experience!

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Joe's Comings and Goings

What's Up Doc? – My Graduation Day

Today is my graduation from the Doctor of Ministry program at St. Mary of the Lake University, Mundelein, Illinois! I thank God for this wonderful opportunity to grow in faith. I’ll share some pix in the days to come!

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Prayer/Guided Reflections

Reflecting on the Year

Some of you may recall one of my posts from last year at this time when I shared a meditation for catechists to reflect on their year. Here it is again: Many of us catechists are either finished or close to wrapping up the “year” in religious education. This is a good time to reflect on this past year, asking the Lord to help us learn and grow from the experience. Here is a reflection […]

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Comings & Goings

My Speaking Engagements

I’ve updated my list of speaking engagements (see the link to the right). Here’s where I’ll be in the weeks and months to come: MAY(2008) 19 – Diocese of New Ulm, MN “Spring Fling” – Tentative title: “Enter the Journey of Love: The Catechetical Ministry as a Ministry of Love” (mini-retreat for catechetical and youth leaders) JUNE (2008) 7  – St. Paul the Apostle (Gurnee, IL), Fostering Faith Catechesis Module 16 – St. Julie Billiart […]