vigil light candle
Mary and the Saints

Halloween, All Souls, Purgatory, and the Communion of Saints

“I see dead people!” Remember that famous line from the 1999 movie The Sixth Sense, in which a boy, played by Haley Joel Osment, reveals to the character played by Bruce Willis that he sees dead people? For many years now, I’ve been facetiously telling people that, if you see or talk to dead people, you’re not crazy, you’re Catholic! An important part of our belief system—our Catholic vision of reality or our cosmology—is our belief in […]

bored boy - intermediate grades

10-Year-Olds Leaving the Church?

Recently, my good friend Julianne Stanz, Director of New Evangelization for the Diocese of Green Bay, WI, wrote an excellent article in their diocesan newspaper, The Compass, in which she addressed the findings of a recent CARA study that reveals that young people around the age of 13 but as young as 10 are deciding to leave the Church. The reasons cited include: “Catholic beliefs aren’t based on fact. Everything is hearsay from back before […]

Jesse Tree slideshow

The Jesse Tree—Free PowerPoint Presentation

One popular Advent tradition is making a Jesse tree, which helps us to connect the custom of decorating Christmas trees to the events leading to Jesus’ birth. We adorn a Jesse tree with illustrated ornaments that represent people, prophesies, and events that recall God’s promise and its fulfillment. With a focus on Old Testament figures, the Jesse tree is a particularly good activity for sixth graders studying salvation history. It’s also great for any junior […]

National Bible Week 2016

National Bible Week

Catholics have come a long way in our understanding and appreciation of the Bible. For too long, Catholics were not encouraged to read and pray Scripture. Since the Second Vatican Council, (and especially the publication of Dei Verbum, the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation), our Church has encouraged us to delve more deeply into God’s Word. With that in mind, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is once again inviting Catholics to participate in National […]

clipboard that reads: How much time should a catechist spend preparing lessons?
Lesson Planning

How Much Time Should a Catechist Spend Preparing Lessons?

I recently received an e-mail from a veteran catechist asking how much time catechists should put into planning their lessons. She had been using a textbook from another publisher for 10 years but was now using Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts from Loyola Press and was struck by the realization that she was being asked, not just to transmit information, but to facilitate a transformation of those she teaches. Here’s my reply to […]

small group for Year of Mercy
Adult Faith Formation

90 Participating in Year of Mercy Small Faith Groups

Earlier this month, my parish, Christ the King, began hosting six small faith groups with 90 total participants gathering weekly for four weeks to reflect on Scripture passages related to the Year of Mercy. Two of the groups are being led by our Associate Pastor, Fr. Matt Litak, while the other four are being led by parishioners, including me. Two of the groups are meeting in the rectory, three are meeting in homes, and one—my group—is meeting in the […]

All Saints icon
Mary and the Saints

A Litany of Saints for All Saints Day

As you know, All Saints Day—November 1—is just a couple of weeks away! With that in mind, here is a Litany of Saints that you can use for any age group. What I like about this particular version (by John Becker) is that the people’s responses are so easy to sing. This video also provides some nice images of the saints. Check out All Saints Day resources from Loyola Press, including lesson plans, videos, and activities.

Christ the King Adult Faith Formation Team
Adult Faith Formation

Meet the Adult Faith Formation Team

After laying the groundwork over the past year, we are blessed to have an adult faith formation team in place at my parish, Christ the King in Chicago. Presently, the team consists of eight people (Seven are pictured and one was behind the camera!) including our Associate Pastor, Fr. Matt Litak. At our first meeting, we shared our hopes and dreams for adult faith formation at the parish and began discussing ideas for addressing the […]

service day - girl with donations box
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Ways for Children to Engage in Works of Mercy

I don’t think we can ever get enough ideas for how to engage children in Works of Mercy. This is something I have blogged about before and have provided resources to assist catechists in this endeavor. Now, the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA) has put together a very nice PDF of ideas to engage children in Works of Mercy. Go here and select the Works of Mercy for Kids option. Founded in 1843, the Missionary Childhood Association (formerly Holy Childhood […]

Taste and See - what I'm reading is in my backpack
Online Retreat for Catechists

Experiencing God with Our Senses Online Retreat

Quite often, for my train ride to and from home and Loyola Press, I bring along a book to read. Currently, I am reading and enjoying Ginny Kubitz Moyer’s Taste and See: Experiencing the Goodness of God with Our Five Senses. What I love about this book is that it captures the sensuality of the Catholic faith and especially Ignatian spirituality. Don’t be misled by that word sensuality, which we too often equate with sexuality. To be […]