group of children
Leading a Parish Program

Choosing a Vacation Bible School Program

This is the first article in a four-part series about winning hearts and minds in the summer through Vacation Bible School. We start by looking at choosing a Vacation Bible School program. I’ve been looking at Vacation Bible School (VBS) flyers and previewing Web sites since Advent, when summer seemed a distant date on the calendar, something I could put at the very bottom of my ever lengthening to-do list. By early March, I’m still […]

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Catechetical Issues & Topics

5 Characteristics of Catholic Identity

Recently I had the opportunity to listen to author and national consultant, Joe Paprocki, give a workshop on Catholic identity. In his delightfully engaging style, Joe invited his audience to reflect on their own experiences in order to identify for themselves what it means to be authentically Catholic. Participants shared a variety of rituals, symbols, and gestures that reflect a uniquely Catholic experience. During the remainder of the day, Joe helped us draw deeper meaning […]