Creative Moments

An Act of Creativity: Make a List

Let’s approach the new year with some encouragement to organization. Do you ever feel like this? There’s so much to do that I don’t know where to start. I think of everything I’m responsible for and everything I’d like to accomplish, and I panic—and sometimes I cope by doing nothing at all. Time to make a list. When life gets cluttered, it can be a good thing to get a huge sketchpad and just list […]

man praying
Spiritual Growth

Strengthening Your Spiritual Life

A healthy and vital spirituality defines who we are and helps us to grow and develop along the way of faith. The way we express our spirituality should be a support and a consolation to us; it should also afford enough challenge to keep us moving forward and to help us avoid complacence. —A Faith Interrupted, p. 127 The crucial thing to understand is that faith needs to be nurtured. No matter where I am […]

thank-you note
Spiritual Growth

Give Praise Where It’s Due

Do you ever feel like this? I’m so tired of people looking weary and glum wherever I go. Is everyone having that bad a day? Am I stuck forever in this atmosphere? You’ll be surprised at how people respond when you simply make the first move and say something nice. A courteous greeting will do, but a real compliment is even better. Most people try hard to do well. Sometimes their attempts are awkward and […]

flame - fire
Spiritual Growth

The Fire and the Light

We are in the last week of Easter, which culminates in Pentecost. On the first Pentecost, the Holy Spirit “fell upon” the followers of Jesus of Nazareth, and at that point the community of faith became home to God, each person a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. There was the “speaking in tongues,” with the Apostles proclaiming the story and work of Jesus in the languages of all people-groups present in Jerusalem at the […]

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Spiritual Growth

A Prayer for Play

It’s important for those involved in catechetical ministries to take time for self-care, and that includes time for fun! Today we ask for eyes and hearts open to see whimsy and to take part in play. Prayer for Play God who made each and every living being, I know there’s a fun and whimsical aspect to you because there is no complete logical explanation for the way kittens play, and children say the most accurate, […]