reader feedback
Stories from the Field

How Do Things Look from Your Vantage Point?

I kid my wife, on occasion, that the best weather report can be found by looking out the window and seeing for ourselves. While it can be helpful to get detailed satellite images and computer-generated forecasts from professional meteorologists, it’s hard to argue with what we see with our own eyes when we look out the window and gaze at the heavens! In a similar way, it can be helpful to read professional research about […]

Finding God Family Catechesis tools
Family Catechesis

Next Up for Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas: Jesus

Our next session of Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas will take place on Sunday, October 29, as we venture into the second unit of Finding God, which focuses on Jesus. Specifically, our theme will be, “To Whom Can I Turn? Jesus: Fully Human, Fully Divine.” After our setting up of the prayer space and opening prayer, the session will begin by inviting families to discuss examples of unexpected problems or challenges that their families faced […]

family catechesis gathering - parents in conversation
Family Catechesis

Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas: Introducing the Unit on God

Our journey into Finding God Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas Parish took its next step on Sunday, October 1, as we welcomed families to the first unit of study in Finding God, which focuses on God’s invitation and our response. Here is a summary of how things went: Once again, I arrived at 7:15 a.m. to set up my stuff for the 8 a.m. start. Patrick, the catechetical leader, had already seen to the set up […]

music notes
Art and Music in Catechesis

Looking for Song Suggestions: Name that Sin/Virtue/Gift

Many years ago, when I was teaching a Confirmation class, I came up with an activity to teach about the Seven Deadly Sins, the Seven Virtues, and the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit using music. In essence, I identified “contemporary” songs that speak to each of these items—yes, 21 songs. The gist of the activity is for catechists to play segments of these songs and invite the young people to match them to the […]

Patrick McGowan, the catechetical leader, addresses the group about family catechesis.
Family Catechesis

Finding God Family Catechesis Launches Successfully at St. Barnabas Parish

Our first session of Finding God Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas Parish in Chicago launched successfully on Sunday, September 17! As I mentioned in a previous post, I am assisting the parish this year in implementing the Finding God Family Catechesis program. Here is a summary of how things went: I arrived 45 minutes early and found everything in the church hall set up meticulously by the catechetical leader, Patrick McGowan: round tables with white […]

Finding God Family Catechesis tools
Family Catechesis

Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas: Looking Forward to Our First Session

I’m eagerly looking forward to the first session of Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas Parish in Chicago on September 17! As I mentioned in a previous post, I will be assisting the Director of Religious Education, Patrick McGowan, and the Pastoral Associate, Deacon Andy Neu, at the monthly gatherings at the parish. The focus of this first session will be simply “An Introduction to Finding God Family Catechesis.” Here are some particulars with regards to […]

Catechetical Sunday
Being a Catechist

Catechetical Sunday 2023: The Role of Invitation in Evangelizing Catechesis

Think of the invitations that you have received in your lifetime—invitations that have made a difference and perhaps even changed your life. It’s possible that an invitation led to a friendship, a new hobby, your present job or career, your significant other, or choosing to live in the part of the world you do. As a catechist, you are most likely serving because of the invitation of another, whether the catechetical leader, the pastor, or […]

Joe Paprocki and leaders at St. Barnabas Parish holding "Finding God" faith formation materials
Family Catechesis

I’m Back in the Trenches Again: Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas Parish

Over the years that I’ve been writing this blog, Catechist’s Journey, I have served as a catechist for different age groups: intermediate (fourth and sixth grade) and junior high (eighth grade). I also have enjoyed sharing my experiences with you! Typically, I have posted my plans for upcoming sessions followed by summaries of what really happened. Eventually, my travel commitments made it too difficult to teach a weekly session, and then, of course, the pandemic […]

reader feedback
Being a Catechist

Poll Question: Who Invited You to Be a Catechist?

Of course, all of us catechists were called by Jesus! However, Jesus most often uses others as his instruments and messengers. With that in mind, I’m curious to see just who Jesus is using these days to call others to serve as catechists. Below, please answer the poll question: Who invited you to be a catechist? Perhaps this will inspire you to invite someone else to serve as a catechist!

choir director leading children in song - Christopher Futcher/ FatCamera/E+/Getty Images

Promoting Catholic Identity, Part 5: An Attitude of Faith and Hope

This is the fifth and final article in a series on the five characteristics of Catholic identity and how we can nurture those in our children. In his apostolic exhortation The Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis cautions Catholics against becoming “sourpusses” (85). Pessimism and defeatism are not Catholic attitudes. We are people of Easter joy because of our confidence in the Resurrection. Our attitudes are rooted in our identity, so as we help our […]