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Adult Faith Formation

Dry Run for REP Kick Off Nite

Last evening, I got together with Deb, the DRE at St. Cajetan, to do a “dry run” in preparation for next Tuesday’s Kick-Off for the Religious Education program. We had many logistics to go over such as the sound system, the lighting, the video, the music and so on. In particular, I realized that I have to practice my timing with the songs/videos that I’ll be projecting throughout the prayer service…it’s as if I’m the […]

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Being a Catechist

Stumbling Into Catechesis

Here is a wonderful article by Jeffrey Essmann that appeared in America Magazine recently about how Jeffrey “stumbled” into the role of catechist. “Stumbling Onward” by Jeffrey Essmann Stumbling Onward I have come to trust my stumbles. Philosophically, I believe stumbling to be the natural human gait and that humanity’s steady march of progress has, indeed, genera… View on www.americamagazine… Preview by Yahoo

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Technology in Catechesis

Equipping Catechists with AV Equipment on a Low Budget

For some time, I have struggled with the reality that many catechists do not have access to AV equipment to show videos or PowerPoint presentations in their classes. Often, the RE program does not have equipment of its own and is not welcome to use the school’s AV equipment. While I show videos and PPT presentations all the time, the fact is, I purchased my own LCD projector some years ago because of the volume […]

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Adult Faith Formation

REP Kick-Off Event with Adult Focus

This year, in addition to my work in Adult Faith Formation at St. Barnabas Parish, I am also assisting the DRE at St. Cajetan, Deb Breakey, where I served as a 6th grade catechist last year. Together, we are focusing on changing the “drop-off” mentality of the parents of kids in the Religious Education program. To that end, the first night of RE (September 16) will have a totally different look than in years past. […]

adult faith formation
Adult Faith Formation

Men’s Spirituality

Last week, I had the pleasure of sitting in on the Men’s Spirituality group at St. Barnabas parish. This initiative began as a follow up to the parish’s Men’s Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) and meets once per month under the direction of the Associate Pastor, Fr. John Hetland. From what I’m told, different guys come and go but in general about a dozen gather each month. There was an enthusiastic group of 9 on […]

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Being a Catechist

Recruit and Reenergize Your Catechists!

The Church of Mercy, Pope Francis’s first book detailing his vision for the Church, encourages each of us to ignite the flame within to help share the light of Christ and revitalize the Church. Ask any DRE and they’ll tell you that passionate catechists are the fuel to that flame. The Heart of a Catechist shares Pope Francis’s message that is directly focused on catechists and emphasizes their importance and value to the New Evangelization, […]

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Attracting Adults By Telling Them They Are Needed

A popular idea for engaging adults in faith formation is to invite parents of children in RE to some type of enrichment at the same time that their children are in class – another way to combat the “drop-off” mentality. These efforts are often met with mixed results. Some parishes have had success with this approach while others get only a handful of parents to stay. Part of the problem is that we are often […]

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Adult Faith Formation

Service, Adult Faith Formation, and the St. Vincent de Paul Society

Let me start by emphasizing that service to others is a constituitive element of all faith formation, including adult faith formation (see the Six Tasks of Catechesis). With that in mind, I met last evening with 2 extraordinary gentlemen (both named Bill) from the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Barnabas parish in Chicago where I am exploring the ins and outs of adult faith formation. Both of these gentlemen are in their 70s and […]

Fulton Sheen - public domain image via Wikimedia
Technology in Catechesis

Forming a “Sheen Squad” for I.T. Assistance in RE Programs

The New Evangelization calls for presenting the Gospel with a new “ardor, methods, and expression.” I propose a new “expression” that would meet a pressing need in our faith formation programs: the “SHEEN SQUAD” to assist catechists with I.T. needs. It would be composed of teens/young adults who volunteer as aides for religious education programs to help catechists integrate technology into their sessions. The name, of course, mimicks the well-known “Geek Squad” which offers computer-related services […]

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Being a Catechist

Jumpstart Your Year: Catechist Resources at Your Fingertips!

As we approach the start of a new catechetical year, I thought it would be helpful to pull together a number of resources I’ve made available on my blog and provide them in one place for your “one-stop shopping.” Just follow the links below to a number of resources that will assist you in getting started on the right foot. Supplies for your prayer table YouTube videos correlated to catechetical themes YouTube videos to lead […]