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Intermediate Grades

Answer Keys for Bible Learning Stations Fill-in Sheets

Here are the Answer Keys for the Student Fill-in Sheets that we used for the Bible Learning Stations. While all the “answers” are on the learning stations, it’s nice for the catechist to have them at his/her fingertips when reviewing! Bible Learning Stations fill in sheets – Bible Basics – Answer Key Bible Learning Stations fill in sheets – Old Testament – Answer Key Bible Learning Stations fill in sheets – New Testament – Answer […]

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Intermediate Grades

Bible Learning Stations Successful!

Last night, we finally offered our much-anticipated Bible Learning Stations that I have been talking about for the last week or so and I am happy to report that it was a success! Other than the fact that they did not have enough time to finish all of them (so what else is new in the world of RE?), the experience was very positive and the kids were thoroughly engaged (as the pics below reveal). […]

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Intermediate Grades

Bible Basics Learning Stations: READY!!!

And finally, here are the 4 Bible Basics Learning Stations for this coming Monday evening’s session. That brings us to a total of 12 learning stations: 4 Old Testament; 4 New Testament; and 4 Bible Basics (below)! Bible Basics Learning Station – How to Find Things in the Bible Bible Basics Learning Station – Bible Timeline Bible Basics Learning Station – How Catholics Understand the Bible Bible Basics Learning Station – The Bible at Mass […]

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Intermediate Grades

New Testament Learning Stations: READY!!!

I’ve completed the 4 Learning Stations for the New Testament that will be part of our lesson this coming Monday evening. Here they are in PDF:   GOSPELS Learning Station ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Learning Station LETTERS Learning Station REVELATION Learning Station Here are the Student Fill-In Sheets for the New Testament Learning Stations: Bible Learning Stations fill in sheets – NT And here are the New Testament bookmarks: NT Bookmarks Lastly, I’ll get to work […]

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Intermediate Grades

Old Testament Learning Stations: READY!!!

I’ve completed the 4 Learning Stations for the Old Testament that will be part of our lesson this coming Monday evening. Here they are in PDF: PENTATEUCH Learning Station HISTORY Learning Station WISDOM Learning Station PROPHETS Learning Station Here are the Student Fill-In Sheets for the Old Testament Learning Stations: Bible Learning Stations fill in sheets – Old Testament And here are the Old Testament bookmarks: OT Bookmarks Tomorrow, I’ll get to work on the […]

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Intermediate Grades

Personal Prayer Symbols

Last evening turned out to be a very lovely evening with my sixth graders. First, we gathered in Church for the Opening Mass with the pastor. I was able to recall many of my students by name as they arrived and that always makes them light up. They were well behaved during Mass (as I’ve mentioned before, almost too well-behaved, meaning that they are so passive and hardly respond to the parts of the Mass, […]

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Intermediate Grades

Sneak Peek of Bible Learning Stations

I mentioned in my previous post that I am working on Bible Learning Stations for next week’s session. Here is a sneak peek of the newly completed first learning station: The Pentateuch. In addition to the Pentateuch display board, there is a fill-in sheet for the students to complete and a bookmark for them to place in their Bible to mark off the Pentateuch. More to come!  

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Intermediate Grades

Opening Mass Tonight; Thinking Ahead to Next Week

Tonight, our religious education program celebrates our Opening Mass in the Church which means that I will primarily be supervising my 6th graders as they gather for Mass and then throughout the Mass. This afternoon, I plan to go over their names so that this evening I will be able to greet them and talk to them by name. As we wait for Mass to begin, I thought I would do some Q & A […]

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Intermediate Grades

Off to a Good Start!

I was very pleased with my first session of 6th grade religious education last evening! 🙂 Here’s a rundown of highlights and lowlights: Since I teach in the later session and someone is in the room before me, I don’t have much time to set up (15 mins…if I’m lucky) so it is a real whirlwind trying to get things ready. I have this notion that the kids will walk into this very serene and prayerful […]