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Catechetical Leaders

How Do We Speak in the Kingdom of God? My Article in RTJ’s Creative Catechist Magazine

The current issue of RTJ’s Creative Catechist Magazine features an article that I wrote titled “How We Speak in the Kingdom of God” and describes how First Eucharist is an ideal time to introduce what I call a “language of mystery” to those we teach. Here’s a PDF of the article: How We Speak in the Kingdom of God – Joe Paprocki article in RTJ’s Creative Catechist Magazine

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Catechetical Leaders

Wish I Had This DVD When I Was Teaching Confirmation

Here’s info about a new Confirmation DVD that I wish I had when I was teaching Confirmation a few years back! The DVD is Called and Confirmed and is part of the revised Confirmed in the Spirit Confirmation program by Loyola Press. The DVD has 3 parts, the 2nd of which I am particularly fond of since I had the privilege of narrating it! Here are some previews: Track 1: Marty’s Call Especially relevant at […]

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Intermediate Grades

Advent Reconciliation

Last evening, I took my 6th graders to church for an Advent Reconciliation service which turned out nicely. Here are some observations: Our DRE, Arlene, has been out tending to her husband who has had some serious health issues (but appears to be on the mend, thank you, Jesus) so we gathered in church with a bit of uncertainty as to how to proceed. Quite understandable, given the circumstances, and quite manageable. The kids’ biggest […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

Year of Faith Retreat – Week 2, Day 5: Because It’s the Right Thing To Do (The Sacraments at the Service of Communion)

WEEK TWO: Sacraments (Celebrating the Christian Mystery) DAY 5: Because It’s the Right Thing to Do  (The Sacraments at the Service of Communion) I once took a group of high school youth to visit Fr. Larry Craig, who was the chaplain at Cook County Jail in Chicago. Fr. Larry was a pretty tough cookie with a chiseled face like Clint Eastwood and a husky voice like Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone). One of the kids asked him […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

Savoring the Liturgy

Savoring seems to be a lost art in our fast-food culture. We usually associate the word savor with food or drink. We savor a delicious bite of food or a sip of good wine. To savor literally means to “give oneself to the enjoyment of.” It means to be mindful of that which you are eating and drinking – to unite body and mind in the present moment of tasting. I believe that we are […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Steve Lascola Talks About Forgiveness

In this segment of Catechists in Action, 3rd grade catechist Steve Lascola talks to the children about forgiveness. Watch for the following: Steve invites the kids to color in the word forgiveness; Steve asks how many of the kids know the Lord’s Prayer; Steve recites the Lord’s Prayer and asks the kids to write down any lines that deal with forgiveness; Steve reviews the kids answers and concludes that the Lord “likes it” when we […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

A More Robust Liturgy – More Discussion

Last week, I posted a link to my recently published article, 7 Steps to a More Robust Liturgy, in Ministry and Liturgy Magazine. I received an excellent response from Jeffrey Pinyan, author of Praying the Mass. The reason I consider it excellent is not because he agrees with everything I said (in fact, he disagrees with me on a variety of points) but because he furthers the discussion, contributes to it with well-thought-out ideas, and […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

A More Robust Liturgy – My Article In Ministry & Liturgy Magazine

Here’s an excerpt from an article (“7 Steps to a More Robust Liturgy”) I just had published in Ministry & Liturgy Magazine: On a recent trip to Hawaii, I visited the Polynesian Cultural Center and got a firsthand glimpse of the ritual expression of the Polynesian people: bold, dramatic, rich, deeply expressive, highly energizing. I found my imagination stirred, my heart moved, and my senses stimulated as young people explained and performed ancient rituals to the […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Katie Elwood Takes Her Class to Church for a Tour

In these segments of Catechists in Action, we watch as 2nd grade catechist Katie Elwood takes her children (along with the other 2nd grade classes) to the church for a tour led by the pastor, Fr. Hyland. In the first segment… Katie leads her 2nd graders into the church and has them bless themselves with holy water Fr. Hyland welcomes the children into the sanctuary Fr. Hyland explains the baptismal font to the children httpv:// […]

Catechists in Action
Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Dan Ward Segment 5: Dan Teaches Reconciliation

In this segment of Catechists in Action, seventh-grade catechist Dan Ward teaches the young people about the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for celebrating the sacrament the following week. Watch as Dan: deals with the reality that few of his students go to Reconciliation outside of R.E. class. talks about how important it is to “bring our sins to the table.” explains the nature of sin and personal responsibility. introduces an examination of conscience and […]