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Authentic Evangelizers: You Don’t Have to Become Flanders!

I’m still interested in hearing more suggestions about how kids can evangelize (in the spirit of St. Paul) in practical everyday ways…see my post from yesterday. We have to find ways of helping kids to be authentic evangelizers and Christian witnesses. One thing they fear greatly is being stereotyped. They don’t want to be viewed as a type of “Flanders” – the character from The Simpsons who (along with his kids Rod and Todd) is the […]

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How Kids Can Learn from Saint Paul

Lots of people have been asking me about resources for the Year of St. Paul to use with kids. To be honest, most of the resources I have come across are simply books or articles. Good stuff, but not a lot about activities we can do with kids. Lo and behold, this coming Monday, the chapter I’m teaching is about Peter and Paul telling the world about Jesus! So now I’m searching far and wide for something […]

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Creative Moments

Learning Stations on Jesus

I am preparing 5 learning stations on Jesus to use in my next session. The 5 learning stations are the following: The world of Jesus The people of Jesus The words of Jesus The actions of Jesus The death and resurrection of Jesus I’ve drawn these 5 categories from the book Jesus: A Gospel Portrait by Fr. Donald Senior (Paulist Press, 1992). I plan to make these available as PDFs for anyone interested. First, I […]

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I Met the "Catholic Mom!"

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting Lisa Hendey, founder and Webmaster of She happened to be in Chicago and visited Loyola Press at the invitation of Sr. Julie Vieira, IHM, a member of our staff who blogs about being a nun in today’s world ( Lisa’s site celebrates Catholic motherhood and focuses on learning and sharing about topics related to faith and family.  She has many resources that are of great value to catechists. I […]

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Creative Moments

Sacred Space

No, I’m no talking about the excellent Web site I’m talking about creating sacred space in your “classroom.” In particular, I’m referring to the notion of inviting the children/young people to occasionally get out of their seats/desks and to find a place in the room where they can sit on the floor and be “alone.” I tell them that this will be their sacred space for the year and that, from time to time, […]

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Another Catechist in Need

Here’s another catechist in need of some assistance. Anyone have some suggestions? Do you know where I could obtain a script for elementary school students about saints to use as part of an all saints day prayer service? thank you, Diane

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Joys and Frustrations

A Catechist in Need!

Calling all catechists! We have a fellow catechist in need. Ross sent me the following: I have a particular problem in that I have recently taken over a class of 20 children of different ages. Although qualified as a teacher I have have no previous teaching as a catechist. I only have half an hour each week to do this. The Children range from K1 (kindergarten) to year 6. Any help would be appreciated – regards […]

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A Catechist Ponders Her Calling

I came across the following – a nice post on a blog in which a woman reflects on her calling as a catechist. Enjoy!

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An Article for Catechetical Sunday

In anticipation of Catechetical Sunday, I’ve written an article that can be used in diocesan newspapers and newsletters, parish newspapers/bulletins, R.E. newsletters, or posted on parish Web sites. In other words, you have permission to use the following for your local needs. Please include acknowledgment of the author and my byline as I’ve done at the end of the article. Let me know if and how you end up using this. The article is also […]

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Creative Moments

Pastor Makes a Big Hit at Catechist Meeting

This past Monday evening was our first catechist meeting of the year and it came off very well. It was nice to see the other catechists on the 8th grade team as well as some of the other catechists from other grade levels that I’ve met over the years. The highlight of the meeting, however, was the pastor’s comments at the very beginning. He issued a challenge to all of us catechists saying that each of […]