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My New Book Is Available for Pre-Order!

During the holidays, we enjoy family, good friends, good food, and yes, a few good drinks! Responsibly enjoying a drink or two loosens up our inhibitions. Isn’t it interesting, then, to note that the very first impression that non-Christians had of Christians was NOT that they were sourpusses or judgmental curmudgeons but that they were drunk (Acts 2:13)? I doubt that the crowds saw the Apostles fumbling, slurring words, acting obnoxiously, moving haltingly, staring with […]

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U.S. Catholic Book Club Selects 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness for March!

  I was tickled to learn that U.S. Catholic Magazine has chosen my book 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness as its selection for their Book Club for March, 2013!!! Here’s what they say about the book:   Review: In the contemporary dualism that sees spirituality as distinct from religion, Joe Paprocki admits that Christianity is too often confined to the latter and considered “less as a spiritual path and more as a code of ethics.” In […]

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More Positive Reviews for Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox!

I am grateful for 2 more very positive reviews of Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox, from people I highly respect! First, here’s a review from Jonathan Sullivan, the Director of Catechetical Services for the Diocese of Springfield, IL. He is also the chair of the  National Conference for Catechetical Leadership‘s Technology Committee and  host of the Catechetical Leader podcast. Jonathan is one of the finest minds in the country with relation to the effective use of technology […]

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I’m Just Getting Warmed Up!

Yesterday, I told you about my new book, Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox, which you can pre-order (available February, 2013). Well, I’m just gettin’ warmed up!!! I’ve got lots more to tell you about. I’ve been a busy little catechist and writer this year and I’m happy to share with you 2 new resources that I am very proud of and that will help to meet a pressing need in catechesis (catechizing children who are “out […]

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Pre-Order My New Book! Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox

You can pre-order my new book, available in February, 2013! Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox: Catechesis That Not Only Informs but Also Transforms ISBN 978-0-8294-3829-1 5 x 7 Paperback 64 Pages $7.95     Joe Paprocki, best-selling author of The Catechist’s Toolbox series, has written the first, step-by-step book that demonstrates how to teach a 75-minute catechetical session with practical techniques that expand upon the textbook to create a more prayerful climate in the classroom. Beyond […]

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Check Out a New Online Course on Bible Basics!

I was honored to write a new course for the University of Dayton Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF). It is called Bible Basics and the required text for the course is my book, The Bible Blueprint: A Catholic’s Guide to Understanding and Embracing God’s Word. Thanks to Richard Drabick, the Assistant Director of the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives for inviting me to write the course and to Sr. Angela Ann Zukowski, MHSH, the Director […]

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More Positive Reviews for 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness!

The positive reviews for my book, 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness, continue to roll in! I was delighted to read the following 2 great reviews. The first is by Heidi Schlumpf (National Catholic Reporter, 7/20)… Antdote to Spiritual Sickness …and the second is from RTJ’s (Religion Teachers Journal) Creative Catechist. 7 Keys Review in Creative Catechist

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Catholic Press Association Awards – 2 of My Books Honored!

I am humbly grateful to learn that 2 of my books have been singled out for awards by the Catholic Press Association!             Living the Mass: How One Hour a Week Can Change Your Life (co-authored with Fr. Dom Grassi) was awarded second place in the Liturgy category. BTW, this book will be available in Spanish come this Fall, 2012! Practice Makes Catholic: Moving from a Learned Faith to a Lived Faith was awarded third […]

7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness by Joe Paprocki (book cover)

Discussion Guide for 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness

Greetings from Manchester, New Hampshire, where I am preparing to do a day of catechist formation tomorrow! I’m happy to let you know that I have put together a Discussion Guide for my new book 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness. It’s available online and it’s free! You can access it by clicking on the link below. Discussion Guide for 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness

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Practice Makes Catholic – Finalist for “Excellence in Publishing Awards”

I’m very proud to announce that my book, Practice Makes Catholic is a finalist for the Excellence in Publishing Awards given by the Association of Catholic Pubishers in the category of Resources for Ministry. I’m honored to receive such consideration and am very proud of this book which is being used by so many people in parish ministry, especially in the areas of catechist formation, RCIA, and general adult formation. I’m also proud to be […]