Saint Peter: Flawed, Forgiven, and Faithful by Stephen Binz

Fishing for Men and Women

If Jesus wanted to choose the ideal person to lead his church into the future, where would he look for such a person? We might suppose he could find such a person in Jerusalem, among the priests of the temple or perhaps among the educated and talented nobles of the city. Yet the person Jesus called for the task was not found among the religious leaders or the noble families of the capitol city. Simon […]

A Well-Built Faith by Joe Paprocki

What Book to Use for RCIA? Try A Well-Built Faith

While it is true that the “parish is the curriculum” (Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us) for the RCIA, and that the liturgical calendar should give shape and form to the “scope and sequence” of the catechumenate, the fact is, most RCIA coordinators and teams still desire to put a book in the hands of their catechumens and candidates. I have been delighted to learn that many such coordinators and teams have chosen to use […]

Comings & Goings

A Shout Out to Des Moines, IA

Recently, I had the pleasure of doing a day-long presentation on A Church on the Move: 52 Ways to Get Mission and Mercy in Motion for the Diocese of Des Moines, IA. The event was sponsored by the Catechetical Leaders Association of the Diocese of Des Moines (CLADD) and was attended by about 80 pastoral ministers: pastors, deacons, catechetical leaders, youth ministers, diocesan personnel, and parish staff members. Thanks to John Gaffney, Director for the […]

All God's People - The Effective Catechetical Leader series

The End of the Catholic Bubble—One Size Does Not Fit All!

I love sharing this blast from the past with folks! This is a picture from my childhood. (I’m the cute little guy on the right with hands folded.) Like many Catholic kids growing up in the 50s and early 60s, we often “played Mass” at home. My mom created vestments for us to play priest and a nun’s habit for my sister Ramona (back row, left) and collected “vessels” for us to use—chalice, paten, tabernacle […]

young adult small group

With Small Faith Groups, Capitalize on Flexibility

With Lent being just about a month away, many parishes are looking at utilizing small faith groups, one of the most effective formats for adult faith formation and a reality that I have written about previously. Too often, we think that we have to find a “permanent” resource for small faith groups—something that they can use continually without change. This flies in the face of one of the best things about small faith groups, which is […]

Developing Disciples of Christ - The Effective Catechetical Leader series

What, In God’s Name, Are We Doing?

There is a great scene from the classic sitcom, Seinfeld, in which Jerry and George sit in the diner lamenting a particularly frustrating day. Jerry begins to question the direction of their lives: “What is this?” he asks. “What are we doing? What in god’s name are we doing?” He and George go on to lament their pathetic lives before Jerry resolves, “Well, this is it. I’m really gonna do something about my life, you know? George, […]


A Different Kind of Leadership

Following is an excerpt from Catechetical Leadership by Adrián Alberto Herrera. As you peruse a bookstore or browse books online, you will find no shortage of titles on leadership. The books you find, however, will tend to be confined to three areas: business, sports, and politics. If you are looking to run a corporation, coach a championship team, or rule the world, you’ll be in luck! Unfortunately, those books don’t translate well to the world […]

Leo's Gift book cover

In-House Service Experiences: Reading Books to Young Children

It’s not always easy for young people to arrange to participate in service experiences, since they rely on adults for transportation. Likewise, as a catechist or teacher, it can sometimes be difficult logistically to plan opportunities for your students to participate in off-site service experiences. One solution is to arrange for older children to spend some time reading books to younger children! Young children love to be read to. In addition to that, reading aloud to […]

Called by Name - The Effective Catechetical Leader series

Cultivating the Right Kind of Heartburn: The Effective Catechetical Leader Series

I have some expertise in the area of heartburn. Not because I suffer from it personally, but because, growing up, I worked in my dad’s pharmacy and learned which medications to recommend for various maladies that customers described. When folks complained of heartburn, there was one and only one remedy: Paprocki’s Antacid Powder! (Yes, back in the day, pharmacists used to develop their own concoctions!) Since entering a life of ministry, however, I’ve come to […]

Ocean City retreat folks
Comings & Goings

A Shout Out to Baltimore Catechetical Leaders!

I had the privilege of leading a retreat for catechetical leaders from the Archdiocese of Baltimore earlier this week. In addition to being with such nice folks for a couple of days, we were located in Ocean City, MD, right on the ocean! What a blessing! Here’s a picture of the great folks I enjoyed my time with.