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Day 7 Chuckles

All work and no play makes this catechist a dull boy. So I’m getting some much needed R & R! While I’m on vacation until late July, I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite jokes from my books, A Well-Built Faith and The Bible Blueprint. Here’s today’s contribution: After the Baptism of his baby brother in church, little Johnny sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car. His […]

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Day 6 Chuckles

All work and no play makes this catechist a dull boy. So I’m getting some much needed R & R! While I’m on vacation until late July, I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite jokes from my books, A Well-Built Faith and The Bible Blueprint. Here’s today’s contribution: A priest had been invited to give a mission talk about the Catholic use of signs and symbols in worship. As he was leaving […]

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Day 5 Chuckles

All work and no play makes this catechist a dull boy. So I’m getting some much needed R & R! While I’m on vacation until late July, I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite jokes from my books, A Well-Built Faith and The Bible Blueprint. Here’s today’s contribution: The parish liturgy team met with the pastor to find ways to incorporate various worship styles in the parish. They decided on four different […]

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A Few Chuckles While I Get Some R & R!

All work and no play makes this catechist a dull boy. Some I’m getting some much needed R & R! While I’m on vacation until late July, I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite jokes from my books, A Well-Built Faith and The Bible Blueprint. Here’s today’s contribution:  Three buddies died in a car crash, and they went to heaven for an orientation. St. Peter asked them, “When you are in your […]

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A Few Chuckles While I Get Some R & R!

All work and no play makes this catechist a dull boy. So I’m getting some much needed R & R! While I’m on vacation until late July, I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite jokes from my books, A Well-Built Faith and The Bible Blueprint. Here’s today’s contribution: An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him, “How do you expect to be saved and get to Heaven?” […]

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A Few Chuckles While I Get Some R & R!

All work and no play makes this catechist a dull boy. So I’m getting some much needed R & R! While I’m on vacation until late July, I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite jokes from my books, A Well-Built Faith and The Bible Blueprint. Here’s today’s contribution: A scientist decided to take the initiative and create human life from scratch. He called out to God and said, “God, we no longer […]

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A Few Chuckles While I Get Some R & R!

All work and no play makes this catechist a dull boy. So I’m getting some much needed R & R! While I’m on vacation until late July, I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite jokes from my books, A Well-Built Faith and The Bible Blueprint. Here’s today’s contribution: Marvin and Tina were not a very religious couple but tried their best; they only went to church once a year. As they were […]