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The “Crafty” Catechist

We have had many discussions here about the balance between reading from a textbook and working off-the-page/beyond the text. One of the most time-honored ways of working off-the-page in religious education is by doing craft activities. I am of the firm belief that no one is ever too old to do a craft! Here’s an example from one of my favorite books, Crafting Faith: 101 Crafts to Help Kids Grow in Their Faith. It’s called “Let […]

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New Categories – Easier Navigation – Pardon My Dust!

Over the next week or so, I’ll be making a few minor changes to the look of Catechist’s Journey…just doing a little “spring cleaning” and trying to spruce things up for you! Most importantly, I’ve reorganized my categories (see the column on the right side, scroll down) to make it easier for you to find things. For a while, I’ve not been satisfied with the categories I had (which is no one’s fault but my […]

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Catechetical Leaders

A Little Help?

This comment came from Nancy in Puerto Rico and she is looking for some help…I thought that y’all could pitch in with your thoughts/advice: Hi, Joe! I always look forward to reading your e-mails – you are a blessing for all of us!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you do!!!! We just finished our classes at our Church and we already had our big end-of the- year meeting with our priest and […]

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A Copernican Revolution

Being of Polish heritage, a Catholic, and a catechist who deals with questions about the relationship between faith and science, I found the following story to be of great interest. Happy Pentecost everyone! Astronomer Copernicus Reburied as Hero in Poland

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I’m Curious

So, for those of you who are current catechists, are you planning on returning next year? [polldaddy poll=3216483]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Dinner with 600 (give or take) of My Best Friends!

Last night, my wife and I had the pleasure of attending the annual Chicago Archdiocesan Catechetical Ministries Awards Banquet at the Drury Lane in Oak Brook. This wonderful affair is a celebration of all things catechetical and is attended by over 600 catechists, DREs, pastors, and archdiocesan officials, including Cardinal Francis George, OMI, the Archbishop of Chicago. The evening is an opportunity for the Archdiocese to recognize 8 Archdiocesan honorees as well as a bevy […]

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Inviting Students to Evaluate

One of the things I plan on doing this Monday evening is having the kids complete an evaluation of their experience with me this past year. I often did this when I was a high school religion teacher and I found the feedback very helpful. I’ll have to formulate some kind of an evaluation form for them to use…that is, unless someone out there already has one!!! If so, I’d love to see it if […]

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He is Risen!

We already knew the ending to this story but isn’t it grand to finally reach the point in our liturgical calendar where we celebrate it with no restraint?! May the grace and peace of our Risen Lord be with you always! Alleluia!

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Catechetical Leaders

Catechesis and Latino Culture

My friend and colleague, Santiago Cortés-Sjöberg, is doing a presentation at NCCL in April titled Latino Culture and Catechesis 101 and he is interested in hearing from catechists and catechetical leaders who have experience ministering to and catechizing Latinos to talk about the unique challenges and opportunities involved. If you have such experience, would you be willing to take a few moments to compose an email to send to Santiago to share some thoughts about your experiences […]

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Reflecting on Diversity

    The current issue of REFLECT, the newsletter of the Chicago Sunday Evening Club &  30 Good Minutes, includes an excerpt by yours truly, from a 2006 broadcast I participated in. Here ’tis! Enjoy! p.s. On the homepage of The Chicago Sunday Evening Club, you’ll find a link to a video featuring my colleague Tom McGrath.