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Roman Missal Changes

New Roman Missal Translation – What You Need to Know #3 and 4

As you probably already know, I am co-authoring (with D. Todd Williamson, Director of the Office for Divine Worship, Archdiocese of Chicago) a series of ten articles for Loyola Press on the new Roman Missal. These articles will provide you with what you need to know to better understand the changes when we implement the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal next year. I ll point you to these articles weekly over the next 2 […]

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Roman Missal Changes

New Roman Missal – What You Need to Know – #2

As we prepare to implement the new Roman Missal one year from now, in Advent, 2011, I am co-authoring (with D. Todd Williamson, Director of the Office for Divine Worship, Archdiocese of Chicago) a series of ten articles for Loyola Press on the new Roman Missal. These articles will provide you with what you need to know to better understand the changes when we implement them next year. I’ll point you to these articles weekly over the […]

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Roman Missal Changes

New Roman Missal – What You Need to Know

As you probably already know, we will be preparing to implement the new Roman Missal one year from now, in Advent, 2011. This will be an issue of critical importance to catechists who will be on the front lines of teaching others about how to adapt to the changes in the texts of the prayers we say at Mass. The time between now and then is to be used for catechesis on the liturgy and […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Final Installment of Q & A from 9/2/10 Webinar

Here’s the last of the Q & A from our Getting Started as a Catechist Webinar last Thursday, September 2, 2010. ‑­Rocio Q: ­how do you deal with parents who take the children to religious education out of tradition but themselves are not practicing catholics? ­ A: Rocio, there’s not much a catechist can do individually other than try to maintain some level of communication by sending home resources that encourage parents to be more […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

More Q & A from 9/2/10 Webinar

Here is more Q & A from the Getting Started as a Catechist Webinar that took place last Thursday, September 2, 2010. ________________________________________________________________ ‑­Maria Q: ­I have a very unique class in my parish (2nd year First communion preparation) consisting of children from 2nd thru 6th grade. Any suggestions on how to be a more effective Catechist reaching out to this wide range age group? ­ A: Maria, such a wide range of ages is […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Q & A from Yesterday’s Webinar

A number of people sent in some excellent questions during our Webinar last night. Here’s a sampling along with my responses. You’re most welcome to chime in on the discussion. _______________________________________________________________ ‑­Steven Q: ­What are the biggest differences between teaching religion in a five day school and as a catechist once a week.  For the first time in almost 30 years I am doing both at the same time.­ A: Steven, the most obvious of […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Thanks for Participating in My Webinar!

A great big THANK YOU to all the good folks who participated in Part Two of my Getting Started as a Catechist Webinar! As promised, here is the pdf of 10 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Be a More Effective Catechist. Likewise, here is a link to a sample Guided Reflection from the Finding God grade 5 Catechist Manual. Over the next few days, I’ll be answering some of the questions that came […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Webinar Part Two Tomorrow!

I’m gearing up for Part Two of my Getting Started as a Catechist Webinar – tomorrow evening, Thursday, September 2, 2010, at 7 pm (CDT). There’s still time to register! Facilitator: Joe Paprocki, DMin Brought to you by Loyola Press, A Jesuit Ministry Thursday, September 2, 2010: Part Two 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. (CST) [Find out what time this is for you.] Becoming a catechist is exciting and, let’s face it, somewhat intimidating! New catechists […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist


Today’s post is all about Webinars! First, here is a link to the recording of last week’s Webinar, Getting Started as a Catechist, Part One. Second, here is a link to register for Getting Started as a Catechist, Part Two, which will take place on Thursday, September 2, 2010. Finally, continuing our follow-up from Getting Started as a Catechist, Part One, here are some more Q & A: _______________________________________________________________ Sue Q:  Do you have suggestions […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Getting Started as a Catechist, Part One

For those of you who missed it, want to view it again, or just love the sound of my voice (just kidding!), here’s the recording of last week’s Webinar, Getting Started as a Catechist, Part One. Don’t forget to register for Part Two which takes place on Thursday, September 2, 2010.