Preparing Hearts and Minds: 9 Simple Ways for Catechists to Cultivate a Living Faith
Master Catechist Joe Paprocki offers nine simple and effective ways to truly revitalize the way we talk about our faith.
Living the Sacraments: Finding God at the Intersection of Heaven and Earth
Joe Paprocki demystifies the Catholic sacraments and presents them as a way of life to be experienced each day, rather than as standalone events.
Free Discussion Guide Available for Download.
Called by Name: Preparing Yourself for the Vocation of Catechetical Leader
Catechists spend their time guiding children and adults in deepening their Catholic faith. But who’s guiding the catechists on their spiritual journey?
The Catechist’s Backpack: Spiritual Essentials for the Journey
(with Julianne Stanz)
Catechists spend their time guiding children and adults in deepening their Catholic faith. But who’s guiding the catechists on their spiritual journey?
Free Leader Guide Available for Download.
Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ
Many Catholics feel catechized but not “evangelized,” meaning they know about Jesus but do not feel they know him personally. By opening ourselves to encountering Christ, we can learn how to live the Gospel and be models of faith.
Free Discussion Guide Available for Download.
The Catechist’s Toolbox: How to Thrive as a Religious Education Teacher
The Catechist’s Toolbox offers catechists tips, advice, and a methodical approach that will help them succeed as educators of the faith.
Free Leader Guide Available for Download.
Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox: Catechesis That Not Only Informs but Also Transforms
This is the first, step-by-step book that demonstrates how to teach a 75-minute catechetical session with practical techniques that expand upon the textbook to create a more prayerful climate in the classroom.
Free Leader Guide Available for Download.
7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness: Enriching Your Faith by Strengthening the Health of Your Soul
7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness helps us see the Christian faith not as a collection of rules and doctrine, but as a spiritual path — a path whose guideposts for spiritual wellness are sure to lead us to a more meaningful life and to a much richer experience of our faith.
Free Discussion Guide Available for Download.
Practice Makes Catholic: Moving from a Learned Faith to a Lived Faith
Why do Catholic do what they do? Practice Makes Catholic gets to the heart of the question—and to the heart of what it really means to be Catholic.
Free Leader Guide Available for Download.
A Well-Built Faith: A Catholic’s Guide to Knowing and Sharing What We Believe
In A Well-Built Faith, Joe Paprocki makes it easy for Catholics to feel confident in teaching the Catholic faith. He makes complex teachings of the Catholic faith accessible to average Catholics without compromising Catholic teaching and tradition.
Free Leader Guide Available for Download.
The Bible Blueprint: A Catholic’s Guide to Understanding and Embracing God’s Word
In The Bible Blueprint, best-selling author Joe Paprocki makes understanding the Bible not only easy for the person in the pew, but downright fun!
Free Leader Guide Available for Download.
Living the Mass: How One Hour a Week Can Change Your Life
Updated with Roman Missal Changes!
In this lively explanation of the Mass, authors Fr. Dominic Grassi and Joe Paprocki are particularly alert to the way the Mass strengthens and renews the baptismal commitment of those who attend.
A Church on the Move: 52 Ways to Get Mission and Mercy in Motion
A Church on the Move brings to the parish level the great themes of Pope Francis’ papacy—mission, mercy, and evangelization—and replaces despair with a profound hope for the future of the Catholic Church.
Amos/Hosea/Micah: A Call to Justice
The prophets tell us what God thinks about oppression, injustice, and neglect of the poor.
Also available in Spanish
Preparar corazones y mentes: 9 ideas sencillas para que los catequistas cultiven una fe viva
El catequista maestro Joe Paprocki ofrece 9 maneras sencillas y eficaces de revitalizar a fondo la manera en que hablamos de nuestra fe.
Vivir los sacramentos: Encontrar a Dios en la interseccion de cielo y tierra
Joe Paprocki desmitifica los sacramentos de la Iglesia Católica, presentándolos no como eventos independientes sino como una forma de vida que se ha de experimentar cada día.
La caja de herramientas del catequista
Este libro es ideal para nuevos catequistas, La caja de herramientas del catequista te entrena mientras llevas a cabo tu ministerio como catequista. Es un libro muy práctico que incluye ideas, técnicas y metodologías para la catequesis.
Guía de líder disponible.
Más allá de la caja de herramientas del catequista le permite a los jóvenes encontrar a Jesús en la oración de manera que puedan convertirse en discípulos de Cristo para toda la vida.
Los planos de Biblia: Una guía católica para entender y acoger la Palabra de Dios
En Los planos de Biblia, el exitoso autor Joe Paprocki ayuda al católico de la calle a entender fácilmente la Biblia, y lo hace con humor. Mediante caricaturas ingeniosas, recuadros que invitan a reflexionar y pequeños cuestionarios que completan sus fáciles enseñanzas sobre la Biblia, Paprocki lleva a los católicos laicos a entender la estructura, organización y objetivo de la Palabra de Dios.
Guía de líder disponible.
Una Fe Bien Construida: Guia catolica para conocer y compartir lo que creemos
Una fe bien construida —desarrollado con enorme creatividad usando metafóricamente el tema de la construcción— facilita enormemente a los católicos el conocimiento de su fe y les da seguridad al momento de compartirla.
Guía de líder disponible.
Vivir la misa: Cómo una hora a la semana puede cambiar tu vida
En Vivir la misa el Padre Grassi y el afamado escritor y catequista Paprocki explican detallademente cómo cada parte de la misa se relaciona con la llamada que recibimos en el bautismo, poniendo en estrecha relación la misa dominical y el resto de nuestra semana.
La mochila del catequista: Lo indispensable para el camino espiritual
(with Julianne Stanz)
La mochila del catequista brinda a los catequistas recursos que atienden a la dimensión espiritual de su llamado a compartir la fe católica.
Llamados por nuestro nombre: Prepararse para la vocación de líder catequético
El libro Llamados por nuestro nombre se centra en la vocación del líder catequético y en lo que el líder catequético necesita ser, en contraste con lo que este necesita saber o hacer.
La experiencia transformadora de encontrarse con Cristo
La experiencia transformadora de encontrarse con Cristo es la rotunda respuesta del reconocido autor Joe Paprocki a esa pregunta: ¡Sí, es posible!
Is “Tools for Teaching: Classroom Tips for Catechists” still available? Will it be available at the LA Religious Congress?
Hi Holli. “Tools for Teaching” is out of print but it was the precursor to my best-selling book The Catechist’s Toolbox which is available from Loyola Press ( and will be available at LA Congress. I’ll be there and will be happy to sign a copy for you!
Hello Sir Joe
I am Leo, a catechist from Archdiocese of Manila. Sir, I just want to ask if your books are also available in the Philippines? I am interested sir. Thank you so much! God bless
Hi Leo! Thanks for your question about my books. You can order from Loyola Press or but I know that shipping costs to the Philippines might be cost-prohibitive. You may want to check with some Catholic bookstores in Manila to ask about ordering copies. I hope this is helpful!
Thank you so much Sir
May God continue to bless you in this humbling ministry of echoing Jesus. Let us continue to pray for one another