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From Lent to Easter—From Fasting to Feasting (Savoring)

We just finished 40 days of Lent in order to prepare to celebrate 50 days of Easter! During Lent, we practice specific disciplines: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. So how do we “practice” Easter? We certainly don’t give up on praying and almsgiving, although those are colored now more by joyful gratitude than penance. But what does it mean to move from fasting to feasting? Feasting is not to be associated with gluttony. Feasting, for Catholics, […]

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Creative Moments

Lenten Family Mission – Mary, Seat of Wisdom Parish, Park Ridge, IL

This week, I have had the privilege of preaching a Lenten Family Mission at Mary, Seat of Wisdom parish in Park Ridge, IL, on the theme of the Mass (drawing from my book, Living the Mass). It has been an extraordinary experience of grace and I thank the good people of the parish for their strong turnout each evening of the Mission. Last night, I focused on the Liturgy of the Word and how it […]

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Tonight, I’m the “Tech Guy!” – Lenten Reconciliation Prayer Service

Believe it or not, tonight I play the role of the “tech guy” for the Lenten Reconciliation prayer service taking place in church! I will be on hand for both the early and the late sessions, manning the laptop and LCD projector for the following video elements included in the prayer experience: showing images of people being served by Operation Rice Bowl as their stories are read aloud opening song (video): Hosea – Come Back […]

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Q & A from Lenten Webinar

Just a reminder that a recording of my Lenten Webinar will be posted here shortly…stay tuned. In the meantime, I received a number of questions from participants during the Webinar and did not have time to address them that evening so I’m happy to do so now. Here they are: Lent 2013 Webinar Q & A (PDF) Lenten Webinar Q & A – Word Document Lenten Webinar Q & A (Word 97-03) [photo courtesy of Matt […]

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Letting Go of Bad Habits During Lent

During my Webinar last evening, I asked participants to share suggestions of bad habits we can let go of during Lent. What a great list of suggestions! What resonates with you? What might you add? Gossiping­ Lack of patience­ Anger­ ­Being judgmental­ ­Laziness­ ­TV Shows­ ­Negative self talk­ ­Being opinionated ­Spending too much time on Facebook ­Watching too much TV­ ­Spending too much time on the Internet­ ­Negative thinking­ ­Not praying enough­ ­Unkind words to […]

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Lent in a Year of Faith Webinar

Lent in a Year of Faith Webinar – A Note-Taking Sheet

To assist you during this evening’s webinar – Lent in a Year of Faith: How to Proclaim the Gospel with Power – I have put together a Note-Taking Sheet which you can download and print. It’s available in 3 formats in case you have trouble opening one or the other: Lenten Webinar Note Taking Sheet – Word Document Lenten Webinar Note Taking Sheet – Word 97-2003 Lenten Webinar Note Taking Sheet – PDF If you’ve […]

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Lent 2013: Here Are My 40 Ideas for 40 Days!

Just in time for Lent, here are my 40 Ideas for 40 Days! Special thanks to my colleague Linnette Mathys for getting all of these ready for posting! New this year: each activity can now be downloaded as a Blackline Master in PDF form! See the bottom of each activity for a link to download and print these PDFs!   Also, don’t miss my Lenten Webinar, coming up on Tuesday, February 12, 2013. Click on […]


40 Ideas for 40 Days – Lenten Activities: Overcoming Impulses

Sin is often the result of acting on an impulse – like a reflex action that we do without thinking. During Lent, we strive to pay closer attention to how we act so that we can learn to discipline our impulses and not act reflexively. Materials needed: several cotton balls or rolled up paper towels, a transparent barrier (a wire screen, a piece of clear plastic, etc.), a heavy book and a table top.  Say, […]


40 Ideas for 40 Days – Lenten Activities: Justification – Being Aligned with God

Lent is a time to make sure that we are in a healthy alignment with God. Provide each participant with a fistful of Cheerios and a straight edge/ruler or popsicle stick Invite them to “spill” the Cheerios on their desk/table top in front of them. Show them the following image (either copy and paste into a handout or project it) and tell them to use their straight edge to arrange their Cheerios so that they […]