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My Lenten Resources

Here are links to the various Lenten resources that I have to offer…I hope they are helpful to you as we journey together into this holy season! 40 Ideas for 40 Days of Lent, 2011 My Lenten Calendar 40-crosses-english-2011 My Lenten Calendar 40-crosses-spanish-2011 Lenten FAQs Video Recording of Joe’s 2010 Lenten Webinar Creative Lenten Ideas Shared by Webinar participants Other Resources Online Lenten Retreat from Loyola Press Lent Resources from Loyola Press Lenten Resources from […]

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Lenten Activities

“Wailing Wall” Activity

This great idea came to me from a catechist by the name of Connie…thanks Connie! Hi Joe, Thanks for the Lenten calendar–I’m always looking for something new! Here’s something I did last night with my sixth graders, who are studying the Old Testament. We made our own Wailing Wall–which we will use throughout Lent. Before class, I drew outlines of the bricks/stones in black marker on a piece of butcher paper. When the kids came in, […]

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A Good Way for Catechists (or Anyone!) to Pray

Many catechists are eager to deepen their own prayer life so that they in turn can help those they teach to do the same. I’d like to recommend an extremely helpful and valuable little book that just came out: A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer: Discovering the Power of St. Ignatius Loyola’s Examen. I read this book on the train the other day (yes, it’s that brief – 82 pages – that you can read it in one […]

Fresco of The Vision of Angel to St. Joseph in church Chiesa di Santa Croce by Giovanni Maria Conti della Camera - sedmak/iStock/Getty Images

Joseph Shows the Way in the Last Days of Advent

Sometimes, our head is telling us one thing, but our heart and our gut are telling us something else. Matthew 1:18–25 tells us that St. Joseph was experiencing this inner turmoil. His betrothed, Mary, is pregnant—and he’s not the father. According to Jewish law, she should be stoned. Joseph decides instead to divorce Mary quietly; that would be the righteous thing to do. And yet, something within him continues to question this, interrupting his sleep. […]

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Intermediate Grades

“Please, Mr. Paprocki! Pleeeaase!!!”

I had planned to be a “Grinch” last evening and skip taking my class to the Christmas pageant that the first-graders were putting on. I figured that my kids wouldn’t know about the pageant since I hadn’t said anything about it and I would have one more full session before Christmas break to complete the seven Sacraments. I forgot that many of my students have younger siblings! The first girl that came in asked, “Are we […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Thrown a Curveball

This past Monday, as I prepared to teach my lesson on the Sacraments of Initiation using Learning Stations, I was thrown a curveball. As I entered my classroom to get things set up, I saw that the school teacher who uses that room each day had decided to totally re-arrange the classroom! Yikes! I had been mentally visualizing exactly how I was going to set up my learning stations only to find that the furniture […]

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Roman Missal Changes

New Roman Missal – What You Need to Know

As you probably already know, we will be preparing to implement the new Roman Missal one year from now, in Advent, 2011. This will be an issue of critical importance to catechists who will be on the front lines of teaching others about how to adapt to the changes in the texts of the prayers we say at Mass. The time between now and then is to be used for catechesis on the liturgy and […]

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Intermediate Grades

4th Graders Understand the “Darkness”

Last evening, we did an Advent procession (to a recording of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel) in our classroom, carrying all of the objects and symbols needed to set up our prayer table/Advent wreath. With the lights dimmed and the first candle lit, I asked them what is happening this time of the year in terms of light and darkness. Of course they noted that darkness is increasing and the light decreasing each day. I mentioned that […]

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Singing Grace Before Meals

At the Being, Knowing, and Doing workshop I did in Newark, NJ, last week, we prepared to eat lunch. We were invited to pick up a little prayer card on our tables and to sing the following, using the melody of the Old One Hundreth (Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow). I love it! Perfect for Thanksgiving! Be present at our table, Lord Be here and everywhere adored. Thy creatures bless and grant that […]

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Ten Commandments, Sin, & Morality

What’s Up with this Exorcist Stuff?

You may have come across some stories this past weekend about the U.S. Bishops hosting a conference on exorcism. In particular, the conference was organized by Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of Springfield, IL…yes, my brother. How he ended up coordinating that event, I don’t know, other than maybe the bishops figured that growing up in a family of 9 children, he and his siblings had a little “devil” in us! 🙂 Seriously, though, I just […]