Guided Reflection on Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving - text next to praying hands

Guided Reflection on Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving

With Ash Wednesday quickly approaching, now’s the time to think about how you will introduce the Lenten pillars of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to your students. In addition to using the seasonal chapters in your textbook, take some time for reflection on these traditional practices. Download a Guided Reflection on Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. This prayerful reflection introduces young people to the three Lenten disciplines and invites conversation with Jesus about how to make prayer, […]

Bible Blueprint by Joe Paprocki - also available in Spanish

Introducing Catholics to the Bible (Video)

St. Jerome famously said, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” Unfortunately, for many Catholics, the Bible still remains a bit of a stranger and becomes an untapped source for deepening our relationship with Jesus. Too many of us still feel ill-equipped when it comes to navigating the Bible and interpreting what we read. With that in mind, I have put together a video introduction to the Bible that catechists can use with adults and young […]

Growing with GOD: Safe and Sacred™ - child safety and family life program
Family Catechesis

St. Barnabas Family Catechesis: Safe Environment Session

The January session for family catechesis at St. Barnabas will be a children-only session on safe environment. Since my role is to facilitate the parent sessions, I’ll actually have the day off! As part of the implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, the Archdiocese of Chicago requires its parishes and schools to provide valuable training to children and youth annually. This important training is designed to educate children and […]

Advent wreath
Family Catechesis

Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas: Welcoming the Seasons of Advent and Christmas

Our next monthly session for our Finding God Family Catechesis program at St. Barnabas will take place on Sunday, December 3, the First Sunday of Advent, which means that our focus for the adult session will be on the seasons of Advent and Christmas, with a particular emphasis on the theme of God’s Promise: The Covenant. Here is the plan for that session: Our opening prayer ritual will reflect the season of Advent as we […]

Reimagining Advent with the Examen

Advent: Reimagining Our Lives and Our World

The wonderful season of Advent is just weeks away! One of my favorite Advent homilies was delivered by the late Fr. Jack Daley to the students at Quigley South High School, where I taught in the 1980s. Fr. Jack began by doing some of the most incredible imitations of cartoon characters, including Porky Pig, Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, and Woody Woodpecker. He had the students in stitches. He then went on to talk about how […]

Finding God Family Catechesis tools
Family Catechesis

Next Up for Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas: Jesus

Our next session of Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas will take place on Sunday, October 29, as we venture into the second unit of Finding God, which focuses on Jesus. Specifically, our theme will be, “To Whom Can I Turn? Jesus: Fully Human, Fully Divine.” After our setting up of the prayer space and opening prayer, the session will begin by inviting families to discuss examples of unexpected problems or challenges that their families faced […]

Joe Paprocki and leaders at St. Barnabas Parish holding "Finding God" faith formation materials
Family Catechesis

I’m Back in the Trenches Again: Family Catechesis at St. Barnabas Parish

Over the years that I’ve been writing this blog, Catechist’s Journey, I have served as a catechist for different age groups: intermediate (fourth and sixth grade) and junior high (eighth grade). I also have enjoyed sharing my experiences with you! Typically, I have posted my plans for upcoming sessions followed by summaries of what really happened. Eventually, my travel commitments made it too difficult to teach a weekly session, and then, of course, the pandemic […]

choir director leading children in song - Christopher Futcher/ FatCamera/E+/Getty Images

Promoting Catholic Identity, Part 5: An Attitude of Faith and Hope

This is the fifth and final article in a series on the five characteristics of Catholic identity and how we can nurture those in our children. In his apostolic exhortation The Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis cautions Catholics against becoming “sourpusses” (85). Pessimism and defeatism are not Catholic attitudes. We are people of Easter joy because of our confidence in the Resurrection. Our attitudes are rooted in our identity, so as we help our […]

Faith Refreshed - text over photo of water droplets by lemonade glass by Charlotte May on Pexels
Online Retreat for Catechists

Faith Refreshed Online Retreat Week 4: Three Venues of Prayer

Welcome to Week 4 of Faith Refreshed, an online retreat to help us “hit the refresh button” in our spiritual lives so that we might better see things we weren’t previously seeing and return to our lives and ministry with a new outlook! Throughout this retreat, I am drawing from my best-selling book, A Well-Built Faith: A Catholic’s Guide to Knowing and Sharing What We Believe, as we re-visit the four pillars of our Catholic […]

children in community garden - JBryson/iStock/Getty Images

Promoting Catholic Identity, Part 2: A Commitment to Community

This is the second article in a series on the five characteristics of Catholic identity and how we can nurture those in our children. Children often see “church” as a pretty building to which they go to pray. They often are unaware that the Church is first and foremost a community of people. Jesus told us, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20). Together, we […]