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Leading a Parish Program

Choosing a Vacation Bible School Program

This is the first article in a four-part series about winning hearts and minds in the summer through Vacation Bible School. We start by looking at choosing a Vacation Bible School program. I’ve been looking at Vacation Bible School (VBS) flyers and previewing Web sites since Advent, when summer seemed a distant date on the calendar, something I could put at the very bottom of my ever lengthening to-do list. By early March, I’m still […]

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Family Catechesis

More About Families Living Faith at St. Jude, New Lenox

Last week, I told you about the innovative faith formation program, Families Living Faith, at St. Jude Parish in New Lenox, IL. Today, I’d like to provide a few more details, background, and observations about this unique approach that takes seriously the role of parents as their child’s first catechist. “Getting there” was not easy and required a great deal of planning. listening, and trial and error over a number of years. The parish first attempted to move […]

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Being a Catechist

Jumpstart Your Year: Catechist Resources at Your Fingertips!

As we approach the start of a new catechetical year, I thought it would be helpful to pull together a number of resources I’ve made available on my blog and provide them in one place for your “one-stop shopping.” Just follow the links below to a number of resources that will assist you in getting started on the right foot. Supplies for your prayer table YouTube videos correlated to catechetical themes YouTube videos to lead […]

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Intermediate Grades

Survey Results In

Last evening, I surveyed my students (8 of 9 were present), asking them to indicate which activities we did this year were their most or least favorite. I compiled a list of 20 activities we did throughout the year and asked them to rate each one on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “least favorite” and 10 being “most favorite. First, I am happy to report that NOT ONE activity of the […]

sixth-grade boy
Intermediate Grades

One Last Session!

It’s hard to believe, but this Tuesday is the last session I have with my 6th graders! Where did the year go? It has been a wonderful year and I am so grateful to these 9th sixth graders for being such a great class of kids and to my wife Joanne for being the best aide ever! Our official last class is next week when we take the kids to church for Mass so this […]

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Tonight’s Session: What’s Your Story? “This is MY Story!”

This evening is the last chance I have this year to review with my 6th graders so I’m going to make the most of it! Here’s my plan: Big Idea: What’s Your Story? (This is MY Story!) Preliminaries (15 mins) Collect permission forms for Ronald McDonald House Mercy Experience Go over details for the upcoming Mercy Experience Opening procession and prayer ritual Engage (20 mins) Do “What’s Your Story?” ice breaker in which you ask questions […]

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It’s Time to Begin Reviewing!

It’s hard to believe but it is that time of the year when I begin to review what we’ve learned this year! In other words, I will not be teaching any new material for the remainder of this year! We will review all of our Old Testament stories tomorrow, using my Bible Bookmarks to guide us in locating them in the Bible. Here is the worksheet we will be using. Please note: this is based […]

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Intermediate Grades

Starting the 2nd Half of the Year by Reviewing the 1st Half

After 2 weeks off for the Christmas holidays, religious education sessions are scheduled to be back in session tomorrow evening. Of course, we’re keeping an eye on the weather here in Chicago. Schools are closed today with a foot of snow on the ground and temps at -10 degrees (for a high!). Tomorrow it’s supposed to get up to a balmy zero degrees for a high! In the Book of Job, God responds to Job’s laments […]

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Intermediate Grades

Stories of Abraham and Jacob: Around the “Campfire” (While Roasting Marshmallows!)

This evening’s session is all about storytelling! First, we need to finish our work on the stories of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac from last week but then we will segue immediately into the great stories of that rascal, Jacob! To set the mood for the storytelling, I’m going to build a pretend campfire! Take a look: (For directions on how to make the pretend campfire and marshmallows, visit Here’s the overall plan: BIG IDEA: […]

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Intermediate Grades

Session 8 (11/12/13): Abraham Teaches Us that God Cares

My friend and co-worker, Kate, has a hilarious habit of zipping by my cubicle in a feigned huff and claiming, “You don’t care!” Before I can even respond, she’s gone! While we laugh at Kate’s antics, the truth is, too many people feel as if no one cares about them. The story of Abraham teaches us that God indeed cares! In fact, God has a plan for us that has our best interests at heart. It’s […]