Final Installment of Comments and Questions from Under the Influence Webinar

Here is the final installment of some more wonderful comments and questions from last evening’s Webinar on my new book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ. I find that when I am not at peace all the others become more difficult to demonstrate, easier when I am at peace, trusting God. (Ron W.) I wonder how to say “sourpuss” in Latin. I’m picturing the translators debating whether to use “sourpuss” or […]

Podcast on Catholic Identity in the RCIA

When I was in Santa Clara in November, I had the opportunity to see good friends Nick Wagner and Diana Macalintal (the best looking couple in ministry!) who run TeamRCIA, an excellent Web site for those working in RCIA ministry. Nick and Diana invited me to participate in a Podcast devoted to the topic of “How to build a strong Catholic identity in the RCIA.” They were kind enough to share that podcast with me. […]

9 Advent Attitudes – #8: Remaining Even-Keeled

Advent is, above all else, a season of hope—a virtue that is all too rare in our world. To live as a person of hope is to behave in such a manner as to draw suspicion that we are behaving somewhat erratically as far as worldly norms go. This new type of behavior—what some may even call erratic behavior (the behavior that led people to conclude that the Apostles were “under the influence” on Pentecost)—is […]

Thank God for the Textbook!

On pg. 40 of my book, The Catechist’s Toolbox, I mention that one of the top ten things that can go wrong for a catechist is “You’re done with your lesson and you still have 35 minutes to go!” Would you believe 50 minutes? That’s exactly what happened to me last night! We took our 6th graders to church for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and we were told to anticipate that it would take the […]

Food and Faith

Food and Faith is a new Loyola Press online series that celebrates the many ways Catholics express their faith through the culinary arts. The connection between food and faith has always been present, from Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding at Cana to today’s celebration of the Eucharist at Mass. Loyola Press is excited to illuminate all the ways we feed our souls at the intersection of food and faith. The series (a part of […]

Reviewing the Rosary – Ave Maria

At the beginning of class tomorrow, I’ll ask for a volunteer to step forward and to demonstrate how to pray the Rosary based on our experience from last week. I’m also going to do the following activity with them to introduce them to Schubert’s beautiful version of the Ave Maria and to expose them to a little bit of Latin, which is part of our heritage as Catholics. I will have the words of the […]

Final Installment from Dr. Joe Bound, Our Pilgrim Reporter in Italy

Over the course of this past week, we’ve been blessed with firsthand reports of the Pilgrimage to Italy and the International Conference for Catechesis from Dr. Joe Bound, the Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Green Bay; a man dedicated to sound catechesis. Thanks, Dr. Joe, for your excellent reports! We appreciate you taking the time to share your summaries as well as your impressions of the experience of the pilgrimage! Safe travels […]

VIRTUAL Pilgrimage to Italy, Day 6: The Tomb of St. Peter

After all of the VIRTUAL walking we did on the first several days of our VIRTUAL pilgrimage to Italy, my VIRTUAL feet were a tad tired! It was nice to sit yesterday at the International Conference for Catechists and to soak up so much wisdom concerning the catechetical ministry. Wasn’t Pope Francis wonderful? I love his comment about not keeping Jesus to ourselves lest we become like statues in a wax museum “and we have […]

Update from Dr. Joe Bound – International Conference for Catechists

Our “roving reporter,” Dr. Joe Bound, sent in this superb summary of the first full day of the International Conference for Catechists taking place at the Vatican (he’s REALLY there!). Take it away, Dr. Joe! Hi Joe, Here is what happened today, Saturday, September 27, 2013: This morning after breakfast, the four of us hopped on the bus to the Vatican for a full day of talks on catechesis.  After going through security, we entered […]

Rest in Peace, Victor Valdez: Master Catechist, Faithful Servant, Good Friend

I just learned that a friend of mine passed away last month, July 17, 2013, to be exact. I met Victor Valdez when I was doing a speaking engagement in San Francisco in 2008. Victor suffered from recurring brain tumors his entire life yet he dedicated himself tirelessly to the catechetical ministry. On that visit in 2008, he gave up an entire evening to show me around San Francisco since it was my first trip […]

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