Pop-Up Catechesis: A Walk Through the Mass—Presentation of the Gifts and Preparation of the Altar

It is customary and considered polite, when asked to come to someone’s home for dinner, to ask, “What can I bring?” Even if our host tells us we don’t have to bring anything, we still usually bring a bottle of wine, a cheese tray, a dessert, flowers, or some other small token of our appreciation for the other person’s generosity. We do this as a way of showing our investment in the occasion. It’s a […]

Pop-Up Catechesis: A Walk Through the Mass—The Prayer of the Faithful

We continue our Pop-Up Catechesis series, A Walk Through the Mass, as we explore the Prayer of the Faithful. When my kids were little, one of their favorite movies was Ghostbusters. Of course, the movie spawned a hit song of the same name with the famous line: “Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!” The question implies that there is one and only one answer; of course you’re gonna call the Ghostbusters “if there’s something weird and it don’t look […]

Pop-Up Catechesis: A Walk Through the Mass—The Profession of Faith

We continue our Pop-Up Catechesis series, A Walk Through the Mass, with an exploration of the Profession of Faith (the Creed). “Trust me!” Those are two of the most frightening words in the English language! To trust someone is to put your life into that person’s hands. If that trust is betrayed, it is very difficult to re-establish. Think for a moment about the people you trust most in this world. They are, no doubt, […]

Pop-Up Catechesis: A Walk Through the Mass—The Homily

We continue our series, A Walk Through the Mass, as we explore the Homily. Take a look at this well-known company logo. Do you see the arrow in the logo? If not, go back and look again and focus your attention between the E and the x. Aha! Now do you see it? You may have even reacted by saying, “Oh!” or “Aha!” out loud when it suddenly “appeared.” The arrow was there all along, […]

Pop-Up Catechesis: A Walk Through the Mass—The Readings

We continue our series, A Walk Through the Mass, today focusing on the Scripture readings of the Liturgy of the Word. What do you see when you look in the mirror? I’m talking beyond physical appearance. The truth is, too many of us see someone who is worthless, unlovable, shameful, inferior, untalented, unreliable, uninteresting, undeserving, or incapable of happiness. And it doesn’t help that we live in a culture that tells us that in order to be […]

Pop-Up Catechesis: A Walk Through the Mass—The Glory to God

We continue our Walk Through the Mass as we move forward through the Introductory Rites and focus on the Glory to God. Depending on which medium a person is using, it is often possible to enlarge or reduce the size of what one is looking at or working with. For example, in this medium, I can enlarge the font I’m using: Like this, Or this, Or even this! This is what it means to “glorify” […]

Pop-Up Catechesis: A Walk Through the Mass—The Penitential Act

We continue our Pop-Up Catechesis series: A Walk Through the Mass. In this episode, we explore the Penitential Act. Have you ever been caught with your guard down? I’m referring to those times when people see the “real you,” such as when you run to the supermarket in your sweats and slippers, hair undone, and no makeup, hoping that no one will see you. As embarrassing as that can be, there is also something liberating about it. […]

Pop-Up Catechesis: A Walk Through the Mass—The Entrance Procession

Today we begin a Pop-Up Catechesis series: A Walk Through the Mass. In this episode, we explore the Entrance Procession. If you’ve ever attended a parade, you know that it is intended to be a spectacle—something to be seen. The parade participants are certainly not heading to a specific destination; they are just walking by in order to be seen and cheered. Parades have their roots in military victories. When a victorious army would return […]

Pop-Up Catechesis: An Ignatian Way of Proceeding

When my wife and I visited Hawaii some years back, we were shown around one day by our dear friend Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy. As I was doing the driving with my wife riding shotgun, Jayne sat in the back seat and played the role of tour guide and navigator to perfection. At one point, we got stuck in a little traffic. Jayne sensed that I was getting a little frustrated and feared that I might honk […]

Pop-Up Catechesis: Eucharistic Adoration

“Let me look at you!” People use this phrase when they simply want to take in another’s appearance, either because they have not seen this person for a long time or the person has gotten all dressed up for a special occasion. In either case, the desire is to look upon the beauty of another person. In our Catholic Tradition, we have a practice that enables us to “look upon” the beauty of God. We […]

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