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A Progress Report on Religious Education from 1974 to Today

I was thrilled to receive an invitation from Kerry Weber, Managing Editor of America Magazine and author of Mercy in the City, to write an article for America’s religious education issue on the progress of religious education. Their idea was to reprint an article from 1974 titled, “Where is Religious Education Going?” (written by Rev. Francis D. Kelly, then-director of the Office for Religious Education for the Diocese of Worcester, MA) and to have me […]

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Being a Catechist

Stumbling Into Catechesis

Here is a wonderful article by Jeffrey Essmann that appeared in America Magazine recently about how Jeffrey “stumbled” into the role of catechist. “Stumbling Onward” by Jeffrey Essmann Stumbling Onward I have come to trust my stumbles. Philosophically, I believe stumbling to be the natural human gait and that humanity’s steady march of progress has, indeed, genera… View on www.americamagazine… Preview by Yahoo

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Online Retreat for Catechists

Year of Faith Retreat – Week 3, Day 4: Learning to Detect Patterns (Social Justice)

WEEK THREE: The Moral Life (Life in Christ) DAY 4:  Learning to Detect Patterns (Social Justice) The children’s show Sesame Street has a feature called One of These Things is Not Like the Others in which they show a series of images, inviting the viewer to identify which of the things was different or doesn’t match or belong to the group. The activity is accompanied by a song with the following lyrics: One of these things is not […]