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An Advent Calendar for Grown Ups

Here is a very helpful Advent/Christmas Calendar that is very appropriate for grown ups…it includes very substantive information and background as well as links to more resources when you click on each day’s link. This comes to us from the Institute for Christian Formation.   Advent/Christmas Calendar: Year of Grace 2013

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Lenten Activities

It’s Not Too Early to Start Thinking LENT!

Believe it or not, LENT is only 4 weeks away! With that in mind, I’m happy to once again provide you with a number of Lenten resources right here on my blog, beginning with the popular 40 Crosses Lenten Calendar idea created by my friend Victor Valdez, a DRE in Mountain View, CA. Thank you, Victor, for sharing this idea with us. With help from some folks here at Loyola Press, we’ve updated the calendar for […]

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Looking for Lenten Activities?

Thank goodness we had a little breathing room between Christmas and Lent this year! Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, one week from today, on March 9, 2011. With that in mind, I’m happy to once again offer this handy calendar with links to 40 Ideas for 40 Days of Lent! As always, if you have developed a Lenten activity that you’d like to share, send it along! 40 Ideas for 40 Days of Lent, 2011


40 Ideas for 40 Days—My Lenten Calendar: 40 Crosses

Several years ago, my friend Victor Valdez provided us with Lenten Calendars (40 Crosses). Sadly, Victor passed away in 2013. In honor of his memory, we have updated his calendars in English and Spanish. Thank you again, Victor. Rest in peace, good friend! Hard to believe that Lent is just a few weeks away! Here are the links to the calendars: 40 Crosses 2024 (English) 40 Crosses 2024 (Spanish)