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Catechetical Leaders

For Catechetical Leaders

Here are some quality resources for catechetical leaders from my friend Tom Quinlan designed to help explore important aspects of catechetical ministry through the lens of evangelization. Equipping Catechetical Leaders to Deliver Evangelizing Faith Formation  

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Being a Catechist

Talk to Me!

I realized recently that I hadn’t received a comment here on my blog for a while. I chalked it up to folks being busy with end-of-the-year responsibilities and then vacations. However, I brought it to the attention of my IT guy and, sure enough, upon investigation, he found that a security setting had been blocking comments. He assures me that he’s corrected the situation. Sorry if you’ve been trying to leave comments in recent weeks […]

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My Blog Tour Heads to Downstate Illinois: Jonathan Sullivan

Ah, there’s nothing like traveling through the cornfields of Illinois on my way downstate! My blog tour today takes me to the state capitol of Springfield where Jonathan Sullivan serves as the Diocesan Director of Catechetical Services. Anyone know who the bishop is down there? 😉 I’ve spoken of Jonathan before on my blog and continue to admire him and see him as one of the brightest minds in catechetical ministry in our country today. […]

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Comings & Goings

A Great Day in the Motor City

I enjoyed spending the day on Friday with about 65 catechetical leaders of the Detroit Society of Catechetical Leaders exploring what it means to live Under the Influence of Jesus. Thanks to all of the great folks who came out to spend the first full day of spring together exploring how we can more effectively evangelize and catechize!

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Liturgy and Sacraments

Great New Liturgy Apps!

Here’s some information about some great new Apps on the Liturgy! The first is the My Picture Missal App from Loyola Press. This App, available in the iTunes store at this link: My Picture Missal App, was developed for children with special needs and  for young children. The intent of this interactive app is to help children learn, understand, and fully experience the Mass. Children with special needs have spiritual lives and, with communication assistance, can […]

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Under the Influence in San Antonio, TX!

A great big THANK YOU to  all the good folks who participated in the Mid Winter Gathering for the Archdiocese of San Antonio, TX! I get a kick out of that title: mid-winter! It was about 80 degrees today! Anyway, I had the privilege of doing the keynote presentation on my new book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ, as well as a workshop on my earlier book, 7 Keys […]

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Comings & Goings

Under the Influence – in N’awlins!

My new book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ, made its debut in the great city of New Orleans this past weekend at the Hofinger Catechetical Conference. We were a bit nervous at first because of a delay in shipping but, thanks be to God, the books arrived and the rush was on to buy them and so many people were kind enough to ask me to sign their copy! […]

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Comings & Goings

A Customer Spends the Day at Loyola Press (and Becomes a Friend!)

A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from Patty Cadena, a catechetical leader from the Diocese of Oakland, CA, telling me that she and her husband would be vacationing in the Chicago area. She said she uses my books in her RCIA and asked if there was a chance that we could meet if she visited Loyola Press. Luckily, my schedule had me in Chicago all week so I told her they could […]

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Pre-Order My New Book! Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox

You can pre-order my new book, available in February, 2013! Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox: Catechesis That Not Only Informs but Also Transforms ISBN 978-0-8294-3829-1 5 x 7 Paperback 64 Pages $7.95     Joe Paprocki, best-selling author of The Catechist’s Toolbox series, has written the first, step-by-step book that demonstrates how to teach a 75-minute catechetical session with practical techniques that expand upon the textbook to create a more prayerful climate in the classroom. Beyond […]

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Comings & Goings

Indiana Conference for Catechetical Leadership – Hoosier Catechesis!

I was privileged to spend a wonderful day with nearly 100 catechetical leaders from across the great State of Indiana at the Indiana Conference for Catechetical Leadership in Indianapolis. They invited me to be their keynote speaker and to do a couple of breakout sessions and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to spend the day looking at how we can set hearts on fire during this Year of Faith. My deepest thanks and congratulations […]