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Fr. Barron’s Catholicism

This is a MUST SEE for catechists! Fr. Robert Barron’s CATHOLICISM series premiers (in the Chicago area) on PBS this evening. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I believe this epic series will be the greatest contribution to the Catholic faith of our generation. It tells the story of the Catholic faith from the inside with depth and intellect and beauty. Catechists will find much to inspire them in their own ministry and […]

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Art and Music in Catechesis

The Latest from the Dogma Dogs

Here’s a little something from the Dogma Dogs which provides songs of Catholicism for kids. Whattaya think? I have their CD but have never used it in class yet.

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Being a Catechist

Learning the Hard Way – Stories on the Journey

Wonderful story from Christian! A long time ago my wife & I were put in charge of teaching RCIA. We’d run the adult class for a couple of years, had a lot of informed, motivated Catholics. Anyway, I would teach the first RCIA class, and figured we’d start with some basics: Faith & Reason/ Fides et Ratio by JP2. We’d studied it in the adult class, no sweat. But with the RCIAers, what a disaster! […]

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The Catholicism Project

Tonight, at the NCCL conference, I attended a preview of Fr. Bob Barron’s exciting new Catholicism Project. Fr. Bob was a teacher of mine in my Doctor of Ministry program and is one of the most brilliant minds in Catholic thought today. His Catholicism Project is a multi-textured introduction and explanation of the depths of the Catholic faith. What sets Fr. Bob apart from other Catholic “personas” is his ability to speak intelligently about the […]

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Joys and Frustrations

Catholicism and Baseball

As a baseball fan, I had to share the following with you. Thanks to Lee Nagel (NCCL Executive Director) for sharing this in his weekly update: A Match Made in Heaven – Catholicism and Baseball according to John Allen On April 1st, John Allen, the capstone speaker at our conference in Houston in 2008, had a particularly long column but he ended it by noting that “Yesterday marked the opening of the 2011 campaign, so in […]