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Liturgy and Sacraments

Sacramental Readiness and Initiation – Developing New Habits

We’ve had a good conversation here about sacramental readiness over the last few days thanks to a plea for help from “Monica.” Thank you to all who have so generously shared their wisdom. Our discussion got me thinking about the notion of readiness and the fact that all of our catechesis takes its cue from the process of Initiation which is an apprenticeship into a way of life. Assessment of knowledge of the faith is […]

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Technology in Catechesis

Digital Resources for Hispanic Catholics – Discípulos en la Edad Digital

Recently, my very talented friend Adrián Alberto Herrerra, Associate Director for Spanish Language Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, did a presentation in Spanish for the Archdiocese of Hartford, CT, on Discipleship and Digital Media (Discípulos en la Edad Digital). In his presentation, Adrián offered a substantial list of links to Online resources for Hispanic Catholics. He was very generous to share those with me and, with his blessing, I am sharing them with you. ¡Gracias, Adrián! […]

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Comings & Goings

The Jesus Approach to Evangelization

While at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, I had the pleasure of listening to a keynote delivered by Rev. Anthony Gittins, CSSp on the Urgency of Discipleship and Evangelization. In his talk, Fr. Gittins made some excellent points about evangelization. First, he identified 4 requirements for evangelization: Proclamation Witness (which he says is “proclamation with our mouths shut!” – I love it!) Dialogue (with an emphasis on listening) Liberation He also went on to explain […]