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Quote of the Week

“We are entering a period of new vitality for the Church, a period in which adult Catholic laity will play a pivotal leadership role in fulfilling the Christian mission of evangelizing and transforming society. For adults to fulfill their role in this new era of the Church, their faith formation must be lifelong, just as they must continue to learn to keep up in the changing world.” (Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us: A Pastoral […]

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Teaching Skills

Using Moral Dilemmas to Teach – A Catechist Shares Her Ideas

Using moral dilemmas to teach Catholic morality is a tried and true, effective teaching method. I recently had an email exchange with a catechist about the topic of teaching morality and, in the course of our sharing, she generously shared with me some moral dilemma scripts she developed for teaching the virtues and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Here’s our exchange: Hi Joe, I, too, am an 8th grade catechist this year.  I appreciate […]