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YouTube Videos as Supplemental Resources for Jr Hi and HS Faith Formation

The General Directory for Catechesis states clearly that NO resource, no matter how well-tested or glitzy, “can dispense with the person of the catechist in every phase of the catechetical process.” (156) Some faith formation programs would have you believe that their resources, whether a textbook or a series of DVDs, will do all the work and that all a catechist needs to do is to facilitate the turning of pages in a book or […]

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Quote of the Week

Once a week, I plan to post a particularly significant quote from a particularly significant catechetical document, for inspiration and edification. I hope you enjoy this new feature! Catechesis acquires certain characteristics in virtue of being an “essential moment” in the process of evangelization, in the service of Christian initiation. It is [a] comprehensive and systematic formation in the faith. [T]his comprehensive formation includes more than instruction: it is an apprenticeship of the entire Christian […]