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Getting Started as a Catechist

Next Up: Advice for Catechists of Jr High/High School Youth

Thanks to everyone for sharing such great advice for catechists of intermediate age children. Now, we move on to the next group which is catechists of junior high and high school youth (grades 7 through12). Let’s hear from the army of intrepid catechists out there who labor in the vineyard with these unique creatures we call pre-adolescents and adolescents! What advice, wisdom, and strategies do you have to offer? Just type in your comments below…I’ll […]

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Getting Started as a Catechist

Getting Started as a Catechist – Free Webinars!

As the new catechetical year approaches, catechists are focusing their attention on how to best engage their students in faith formation. In the United States alone, roughly 150,000 catechists are new to the job each year!  With that in mind, I will once again be hosting a series of free Webinars through Loyola Press called “Getting Started as a Catechist.” This year, I’m offering a new twist: I will be hosting four webinars in the series, each focused on […]