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Comings & Goings

The Head AND the Heart

I had an interesting experience the other night in Minneapolis. I was working with about 200 catechists and had them brainstorming on what they would include in a 1 hour presentation if they had to explain the Catholic faith to a group of non-Catholics. Included in the gathering were about 20 Spanish-speaking catechists for whom a simultaneous translator had been provided (they listened to her translation on headsets…like the United Nations!). When I asked volunteers […]

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Libros de Jos Paprocki!

I’m honored that Loyola Press has translated 3 of my books into Spanish! I’ve always had a deep affection for the Hispanic community, having grown up in a part of Chicago that became increasingly Hispanic as my formative years progressed. Over the years, I picked up only a few phrases in Spanish to help me serve Spanish-speaking customers in my Dad’s drugstore. So, you can be sure that I am not the person who translated […]