Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Pop-Up Catechesis: Understanding Holiness

I think that holiness is one of the most misunderstood concepts in spirituality. That’s unfortunate, because holiness is something that we are all called to! Too often, holiness is equated with being pious. While I have nothing against piety, it is mostly thought of as being “devoutly religious,” which usually translates into “someone involved in a lot of church activities.” The problem with that is it confines holiness to the church campus and makes it […]

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A Sample Guided Reflection

In tonight’s Webinar presentation, I offered tips for leading guided reflections. I promised to post a sample on my blog for your convenience. This is taken from the Finding God program which includes scripts for guided reflections in each unit. Another good resource for guided reflections is Guided Reflections for Children, Volumes 1 and 2 (Loyola Press). Called to Holiness – (Time: approximately 10 minutes)   We all have imagination. Imagination allows us to go places […]