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Being a Catechist

A Weekend Full of Stories on the Journey – Touching the Sacred

As we enter into this weekend, I invite you to spend some time enjoying Stories on the Journey, our summer experience of catechists sharing their stories of the ups and downs, joys and challenges of being a catechist. This week’s topic is Touching the Sacred. What’s your story? Take a moment to describe a time when you really and truly felt the presence of God (the power of the Holy Spirit) in your work as a […]

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Sharing Stories

How Did I Get Into This? Stories on the Journey

How did you become a catechist? Toni writes the following: Let’s just say that our Lord planted the seed in my heart well before I finally made the leap. I had thought about volunteering in previous years but never did. It was late August the year my daughter was to enter 5th grade. At Mass one Sunday, our DRE was at the pulpit requesting volunteers for Catechesis. I again felt that tug — “should I?”, […]