Abraham Activities Pack

Abraham Activities Pack

Abraham is a perfect model of someone who trusted and obeyed God. The Book of Genesis tells his story. Explore Abraham’s role in the story of salvation with an activity pack that includes a word puzzle, a diary that invites looking up passages from Genesis, and a sequencing challenge. The activities work particularly well for young people studying salvation history in grade 6.

Pentecost Activities

Pentecost Activities

On Pentecost we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles; this event marks the beginning of the Church. Bring the celebration of Pentecost to your faith formation group with our Pentecost Activities Packet. The packet includes a prayer service, a Holy Spirit crossword puzzle, a coloring page, and more. Combine using the packet with reading the story of Pentecost, found in the Acts of the Apostles 2:1–11, and the special seasonal lessons […]

Easter Season Prayer Cards

Easter Season Prayer Cards

Focus on the first disciples this Easter season by downloading our free prayer cards. Each card includes a short prayer asking for the intercession of one of the disciples who encountered Jesus in the days and weeks after the Resurrection. With prayers addressing St. Mary Magdalene, St. Peter, St. Thomas, and more, these cards draw our attention to the early disciples and serve as a great reminder that these holy men and women have lessons […]

Guided Reflection on Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving - text next to praying hands

Guided Reflection on Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving

With Ash Wednesday quickly approaching, now’s the time to think about how you will introduce the Lenten pillars of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to your students. In addition to using the seasonal chapters in your textbook, take some time for reflection on these traditional practices. Download a Guided Reflection on Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. This prayerful reflection introduces young people to the three Lenten disciplines and invites conversation with Jesus about how to make prayer, […]

Guided Reflection on the Celebration of Confirmation - dove next to text
Liturgy and Sacraments

Guided Reflection on the Celebration of Confirmation

It’s helpful to take some time after a celebration of Confirmation to reflect on the actions of the Rite and to help the newly confirmed recognize the graces experienced in the sacrament. At a gathering sometime soon after the Confirmation Mass, lead young people in a guided reflection to process their experience of the sacrament. Prepare to share the reflection by reading it through ahead of time. During the session you may wish to use […]

O Antiphons Activities Pack

O Antiphons Activities Pack

The familiar Advent hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” has as its verses paraphrases of the O Antiphons. These special prayers are prayed at Evening Prayer and as the Alleluia verse at weekday Masses from December 17–23. Introduce young people and families to the O Antiphons this Advent with our O Antiphons Activities Pack. Young people can learn the Latin words of the O Antiphons and compose a special poem. Or invite families to pray […]

Thanksgiving Prayer Placemat

Thanksgiving Prayer Placemat

Set the atmosphere for a faith-filled Thanksgiving by sending children home with a Thanksgiving prayer placemat. Fun for kids of all ages (even adults!), the center of the placemat includes a child’s prayer of gratitude next to a cornucopia to color. Surrounding the prayer are several activities for children to do in the classroom during a discussion on the holiday or while waiting for the family to sit down to dinner: a question to prompt […]

Saints Mobile craft activity
Mary and the Saints

Saints Mobile

Create a saints mobile with children to explore the lives of holy men and women of God. From Our Lady, Mother of Africa to Saint Joan of Arc and Saint Sebastian, the saints represented in this downloadable activity are all featured in Loyola Kids Book of Seasons, Feasts, and Celebrations by Amy Welborn. Each medallion for the mobile includes a picture of a saint on one side and room for facts about the saint or […]

Patron Saints Matching Activity - text next to cat, flowers, cheese, and bee
Mary and the Saints

Patron Saints Matching

Explore saints stories associated with animals, weather, and the produce of the land. Our patron saints match sheet and online game can help. From protection against storms to the protection of bees and gardeners, the patronages of the featured saints are great to learn about in a lesson on care for creation or All Saints Day. Challenge fellow catechists to test their knowledge of the saints too! Learn about the featured saints and many more […]

Labor and Rest in the Bible Activities

Labor and Rest in the Bible Activities

What does the Bible say about work and rest? Explore Scripture passages related to labor and God’s command and promises of rest. The downloadable activities invite young people to look up Scripture verses and then express what they learn in creative ways. This activity is inspired by the 2023 Catechetical Sunday theme of “Come to me all you who labor and are burdened.” (Matthew 11:28) In our driven and often anxious world, let’s remember to […]