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Mary and the Saints

How Do YOU Pray the Rosary?

One of the most difficult things for a Catholic publisher to do (in terms of pleasing everyone) is to explain how to pray the Rosary! You would think this would be easy, however, there are so many variations in the ways people pray the Rosary that it can make your head spin! I was reminded of this last night when we took the kids to church to pray the Rosary. Two weeks earlier, I taught […]

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Intermediate Grades

I’m Out of Breath! Summary of 10/8/13 Session

Wow! Did we accomplish a lot last night! I’m still out of breath just thinking about how the evening went because we really packed in a lot and finished just under the wire! Here’s a summary of the highlights and lowlights: The kids are doing a nice job on their homework assignments. Last night, 7 of 9 returned with their parents’ signature. 6 completed the assignment in its entirety (including one child with no parent […]

teaching sixth grade
Intermediate Grades

Session 3 (10/1/13) – Bible Boot Camp and Intro to the Rosary

For this evening’s session, I have two main things planned: complete the “Bible Basics Learning Stations” that we started last week introduce the Rosary as we begin the Month of the Holy Rosary (PowerPoint presentation) I’ve created a Mysteries of the Rosary Note-Taking Sheet for the young people to use during the PowerPoint presentation. It’s always a good idea to have students doing something so that they don’t think they are passively sitting back and being […]