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Comings & Goings

Under the Influence – in N’awlins!

My new book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ, made its debut in the great city of New Orleans this past weekend at the Hofinger Catechetical Conference. We were a bit nervous at first because of a delay in shipping but, thanks be to God, the books arrived and the rush was on to buy them and so many people were kind enough to ask me to sign their copy! […]

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Multicultural Ministry and the New Evangelization

I know this is last minute, but I just became aware of this Webinar being offered tonight by a friend of mine, Ansel Augustine, on “Multi-Cultural Ministry and the New Evangelization.” Ansel, a greatly talented pastoral minister in the Archdiocese of New Orleans and an excellent speaker, will present and lead a conversation on the implications of the New Evangelization for multicultural ministry and vice versa—how can Catholic multicultural ministry shape and strengthen the New Evangelization? For […]