O Antiphons Activities Pack

O Antiphons Activities Pack

The familiar Advent hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” has as its verses paraphrases of the O Antiphons. These special prayers are prayed at Evening Prayer and as the Alleluia verse at weekday Masses from December 17–23. Introduce young people and families to the O Antiphons this Advent with our O Antiphons Activities Pack. Young people can learn the Latin words of the O Antiphons and compose a special poem. Or invite families to pray […]

Three Kings - Epiphany

Christmas Project Day

We take the week of Christmas and the following week off from faith formation classes. That means we might have one or two classes during the Christmas season—and those after the world has already moved on past trees and tinsel. How do we teach children the importance of the Christian understanding of Christmas when the timing seems a bit awkward? I try to do so by using the last class before Christmas as a project […]