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Viewing Oprah’s “Belief” Series From a Catholic Perspective

Beginning this Sunday, October 18, 2015 (8 p.m. ET/PT), a worldwide phenomena of sorts will take place as Oprah Winfrey launches a seven-night event, Belief, on the OWN network. This series will explore humankind’s ongoing search for connecting with something greater than ourselves. It is part of Oprah’s ongoing quest to have a conversation on the topic of spirituality. No doubt, Oprah’s Belief series will be the topic of water-cooler conversations in the week to […]

laughing man
Intermediate Grades

YOU Get a Bowl! YOU Get a Bowl! YOU Get a Bowl!

I just had to share one of those moments as a catechist that just make you laugh! Last night, for the last half hour of class, we had a little film-fest as a treat for the kids on their last night. With the DRE’s permission, we brought some popcorn for them to enjoy. Joanne employed some of the kids to help her distribute the goodies and one young man was in charge of distributing the […]