Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki

Pop-Up Catechesis: Palms as Part of Our Catholic Home Decor

It is no secret that Catholics have a deep appreciation for signs and symbols. It is part of our sacramental sensibility that reminds us of the presence of God in our midst. For this reason, Catholics are not shy about displaying sacred images in their homes, including a crucifix, a Bible, candles, and small statues. One unique example of this Catholic home décor is the placement of blessed palms—brought home from Palm Sunday Mass—in various […]

Lenten Activities

40 Ideas for 40 Days – Lenten Activities: Palm Weaving & Braiding

Here’s another Holy Week  Lenten activity  that gives catechists the opportunity to introduce children to the popular custom of palm weaving & braiding. Palm Weaving & Braiding Palms are sacramentals – “sacred signs instituted by the Church” (CCC 1667). They represent our homage and loyalty to Christ the King, who was hailed as king as he entered Jerusalem to the waving of palm branches. Catholics have long displayed palms in their homes after Palm Sunday […]

Lenten Activities

40 Ideas for 40 Days – Lenten Activities: Palm Crosses

This is another Palm Sunday/Holy Week Lenten activity. For this one, we go to a Web site called King of Peace and learn how to make palm crosses. Palm Crosses This activity comes to us from King of Peace Episcopal Church in Kingsland, Georgia. This is something that can be done with children and families right after Palm Sunday Masses or at religious education classes held during Holy Week. For this activity, click here. You may […]

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Lenten Activities

40/40 – Lenten Activities: Make a Paper Palm Branch

To help catechists prepare their young people for Palm Sunday, this Lenten activity  demonstrates how to make a paper palm branch. For this activity, we visit a site we have been to before: http://www.sundayschoolkids.com/activities-lent-easter/1-straw-palm-instru.htm. Make a Paper Palm Branch Here’s how the folks at Sunday School Kids describe this activity: After having experienced distributing of real palm fronds in Sunday School for many years, I think paper palms are much safer. I’ve had palm fronds […]