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Joys and Frustrations

A Little Help!

I received the following email from a catechist named Frances who finds herself facing a tough situation. Let’s help her out! Please offer your comments and suggestions! Thank you for all your e-mails. I need some help, I teach CCD I have a 12 year old boy who has an attitude and no matter what I say he says he doesn’t believe in God, when he asked so who made God, I said Himself, he responded how convenient, […]

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Catechetical Leaders

A Little Help?

This comment came from Nancy in Puerto Rico and she is looking for some help…I thought that y’all could pitch in with your thoughts/advice: Hi, Joe! I always look forward to reading your e-mails – you are a blessing for all of us!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you do!!!! We just finished our classes at our Church and we already had our big end-of the- year meeting with our priest and […]