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Growing as a Catechist

Learning the New Nicene Creed By Heart

One of my Lenten promises this year is to learn by heart (memorize) the new Nicene Creed. Of all the Roman Missal changes (people’s parts), the changes to the Nicene Creed (and the Gloria) are by far the most significant. I think it’s important to be able to recite the Creed from memory so I am attempting to learn it by heart this Lent. I spent time on the train this morning working on it […]

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Comings & Goings

Thank You Jesus – Success Teaching Roman Missal Changes to Children

Last night, I had a surprisingly good experience teaching the Roman Missal changes to ALL of the children in the religious education program at Most Holy Redeemer parish in Evergreen Park, IL, where I serve as a catechist. Here are the details: I did the presentation twice: first session (5:30 – 6:45 pm) for 1st – 4th graders and their parents (about 250 total, kids and parents); 2nd session (7:00 – 8:15 pm) for 5th – […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

Teaching the Roman Missal Changes – How’s it Going So Far?

Now that many catechetical programs are under way for the Fall of 2011, I thought it would be good to check back in and see where you are all at with teaching the Roman Missal changes to children and adults? What have you done so far? What is your plan moving forward? If you’re still looking for an approach to teaching the Roman Missal changes to children, be sure to take a look at my […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

Teaching the Roman Missal Changes to Children – Easy as 1, 2, 3!

We’ve talked alot about the Roman Missal changes set to begin in Advent and how we can best understand them and embrace them as catechists. I’ve offered a series of articles as well as a webinar to assist in making that happen. All along, people have been asking me, “What about actually teaching these changes to children? Will you have something available to help us?” I’m happy to say YES! Several months ago, I met […]

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Roman Missal Changes

New Roman Missal Translation: What You Need to Know – Articles 8 & 9!

That’s right, it’s a two-fer! The next TWO installments of my Roman Missal articles are now available. Here’s the scoop: As you probably already know, I am co-authoring (with D. Todd Williamson, Director of the Office for Divine Worship, Archdiocese of Chicago) a series of ten articles for Loyola Press on the new Roman Missal. These articles will provide you with what you need to know to better understand the changes when we implement the […]

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Roman Missal Changes

Clarification on a few Roman Missal Q & A’s

I invited a good friend of mine, D. Todd Williamson, to take a look at the Q & A from the Roman Missal Webinars, and to add any clarifications he thinks might be helpful. Todd, who is the Director of the Office for Divine Worship in Chicago is one of the most gifted liturgists I know because he is so catechetical as well! You may already know that Todd and I have been writing a […]

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Roman Missal Changes

Roman Missal Changes – Updated Resource List

At the end of my Webinars on the Roman Missal changes, I offered a PDF of a Resource List I’ve compiled to help with the implementation of the texts. Since, then, I’ve received a couple of requests from a few publishers to include some of their resources on the list. I’m happy to do so. Here’s an updated resource list for you: Resources for Roman Missal Changes

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Roman Missal Changes

Thanks to All Who Participated in My Roman Missal Webinars!

A great big THANK YOU to all the folks who participated in my Roman Missal Webinars these past 2 nights! I hope this was a good opportunity for you to get a start on understanding the changes in the words we use at Mass. Don’t forget the following: Here is the PDF I promised of resources for the Roman Missal Changes I’ll begin answering questions that you sent in here on my blog over the […]