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Technology in Catechesis

Digital Resources for Hispanic Catholics – Discípulos en la Edad Digital

Recently, my very talented friend Adrián Alberto Herrerra, Associate Director for Spanish Language Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, did a presentation in Spanish for the Archdiocese of Hartford, CT, on Discipleship and Digital Media (Discípulos en la Edad Digital). In his presentation, Adrián offered a substantial list of links to Online resources for Hispanic Catholics. He was very generous to share those with me and, with his blessing, I am sharing them with you. ¡Gracias, Adrián! […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Positive Review of Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox! (Now Available in Spanish!)

I’m always appreciative to learn of a good review of one of my books…here’s one from William O’Leary about my most recent book, Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox. Thanks William! Book review of Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox from Catechesis in the Third Millennium   By the way, this book is now also available in Spanish!!! Más allá de la caja de herramientas del catequista Catequesis que no solo informa, sino que también transforma   Joe Paprocki, […]

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Prayer for the Election of a New Pope

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has provided some resources for prayer during this time of papal transition. In particular, here is a Prayer for Pope Benedict XVI as he approaches his retirement and here is a Prayer for the Election of a New Pope.  Likewise, here is a bulletin insert on How a New Pope is Chosen. All 3 of these resources are available in Spanish and are available for purchase in quantities. […]


40 Ideas for 40 Days—My Lenten Calendar: 40 Crosses

Several years ago, my friend Victor Valdez provided us with Lenten Calendars (40 Crosses). Sadly, Victor passed away in 2013. In honor of his memory, we have updated his calendars in English and Spanish. Thank you again, Victor. Rest in peace, good friend! Hard to believe that Lent is just a few weeks away! Here are the links to the calendars: 40 Crosses 2024 (English) 40 Crosses 2024 (Spanish)

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Libros de Jos Paprocki!

I’m honored that Loyola Press has translated 3 of my books into Spanish! I’ve always had a deep affection for the Hispanic community, having grown up in a part of Chicago that became increasingly Hispanic as my formative years progressed. Over the years, I picked up only a few phrases in Spanish to help me serve Spanish-speaking customers in my Dad’s drugstore. So, you can be sure that I am not the person who translated […]