Another element that I’ve developed for this coming Monday’s session is a look back on our year together, inviting the young people to select what their favorite session(s) was/were and what they learned from it/them.
I put together a handout that summarizes briefly what we did in each session and asks them to rate the sessions on a scale of 1-10 (1=poor and 10=excellent). After we’ve read through the descriptions of the sessions and the young people have rated them, the sheet asks them to select the 3 sessions that have the highest rating and to pick one of those as their favorite lesson and be ready to explain why it is their favorite and what they learned.
This will serve 2 purposes: it will give me some feedback from them and will provide them with an opportunity to review and reflect on the many things we learned this past year. Hopefully, the experience will help them to recognize how God has been active in our midst over this past year. It is a good example of how most often in our lives, we recognize God in the “rear-view mirror.”
p.s. If I’m brave, I’ll also ask them to share what their least favorite sessions were!
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