Actually, not only in my mind but also in my body! I’m off to Charotte, North Carolina for a couple of presentations before heading to Columbia, SouthCarolina for a presentation on Saturday! I look forward to meeting lots of catechists and DREs from the Carolinas. Thought maybe I’d catch a break from the Chicago weather for a few days but it sounds like our midswestern winter weather is following me there! Oh well, I’ll just have to count on warm hearts!
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I am a Catholic school religion teacher in South Carolina and was wondering, are you giving a public presentation in Columbia?
Hi Jake. Yes, I am speaking on Saturday, Feb. 6 at St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Columbia from 9 am to 3 pm on The Catholic Approach to the Bible. Contact St. Pamela Smith or Cathy Roche at the Office of Catechesis and Initiation, Charleston: 843-402-9115 x 18.
I hope you were able to attend the retreat today at St.Paul’s , It was fabulous! thanks Joe!
Well Joe at least you will be comfortable driving in the snow!)
Feel right at home! Actually, thankfully, it’s all rain here in SC.
My wife and I attended your talk at St. Gabriel last night and really enjoyed it. Thanks for coming and maybe some time in the future you might consider doing a half or full day retreat based on “A Well-Built Faith” for those of us who aren’t catechists. Safe travels, and of course…Go Cubs!
Thanks, John. I really enjoyed by visit to St. Gabriel…thanks for your hospitality. Perhaps we will cross paths again some day!