Countdown to Webinar – Download a Note-Taking Handout

We’re into the final countdown for the free Getting Started Webinar for Catechists of Primary Grade Children (grades 1, 2, and 3).

Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 7:00 pm (CDT)

Getting Started Webinar

  There’s still time to register…just click here.

In anticipation of the Webinar, here is a convenient Note Taking Handout that you can download! We cover so much information in these Webinars that some folks have told me they have trouble keeping up and taking notes…this should help!

About Joe Paprocki 2735 Articles
Joe Paprocki, DMin, is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts and God’s Gift: Reconciliation and Eucharist. Joe has more than 35 years of experience in ministry and has presented keynotes, presentations, and workshops in more than 100 dioceses in North America. Joe is a frequent presenter at national conferences including the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the Mid-Atlantic Congress, and the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership. He is the author of numerous books, including the best seller The Catechist’s Toolbox, A Church on the Move, Under the Influence of Jesus, and Called to Be Catholic—a bilingual, foundational supplemental program that helps young people know their faith and grow in their relationship with God. Joe is also the series editor for the Effective Catechetical Leader and blogs about his experiences in faith formation at


  1. I sent all of our St. Brigid, Westbury, N.Y. catechists of all levels, a note to register for your Webinars according to their grade level. So I hope that they are all watching! I will be watching as well. We can all learn something from each other.

  2. Thank you for giving and sharing all out a very well-organized materials. Looking forward on this activity. I’m praying that my internet connection will cooperate as well during this course. So eagerly waiting to learn and adapt for our RE Program here in China.

    • “Charry” I’ll be sure to “look” for you tonight during the Webinar…greetings to you and all of our brothers and sisters in China!

  3. As one of Sister Ann’s “troops”, I am looking forward to participating in tonight’s webinar. Even after 37 years of preparing children for First Eucharist, I know I can always grow and learn in my faith, to be able to share it more fully with others 🙂

  4. Looking forward to tonights webinar! I invited all my catechists to watch & told them what a wealth of knowledge Joe Paprocki has & shares! I was just wondering if Joe will be the one presenting tonight? The confirmation e-mail I received today said the host was Dominic Yonto.

  5. Hi Joe,
    Looking forward to this webinar, I’ve taught 6th graders in the past, but this is my first year with 2nd graders…I’m sure I’m in for a ride. So any and all information you have to offer is greatly appreciated.

  6. I’m excited to get started! I hope I can get on the site when I’m supposed to and be a part of this. I’m sure going to try. I’ve been a teacher for years. I taught when my own children were small and now I have grandkids that are through the classess and I’m still teaching. I love the little kids!

    • Sorry you had an audio glitch, Nancy. The recording will be available in about a week so you should be able to pick up what you missed then.

  7. I enjoyed the webinar (what I was able to work with) – had a technical clitch – keyboard issues – was unable to type legibly – but what I was able to listen to I was very pleased with. It helped to know I am doing some of the things you mentioned – but that there are a few others I can incorporate with the new school year.
    Thank you for your presentation – I’ll refer to it often – as do to your Catechist’s Toolbox!

  8. Hi Joe;

    Thanks for having the free webinar, It is always good to polish our techniques. You were very helpful and I am sure that everyone enjoyed it. I look forward to the next one.

    Thanks again and God Bless

  9. I just participated in the webinar….very informative and exciting. It’s going to be fun teachng and having fun with these kids and helping them to realize how cool it is to learn about God.

  10. Great session! I particularly liked the “polishing your technique” tips, so thank you for including them even though the session ran a bit beyond the hour. The survey flashed past as I was exiting the webinar so I was not able to complete it. I must have pressed a key by accident. I would be happy to complete the survey if you can tell me how to access it at this point.

    • Thanks Jeriann…don’t worry about the survey…I don’t know that there’s another way to access it. If you have any other feedback, you can just send it to me.

  11. Hi Joe,
    I became a catechist 13 years ago, and I still love it! I have learned so much about my faith, when I have been preparing my lessons, or while hearing my student’s responses to our topic in class.

    I just want to send you a quick note to let you know, I truly enjoyed your webinar tonight, “Getting Ready.” It was very informative, and found you to be an amiable and knowledgeable presenter. I already do almost all the things you mentioned, and I learned a few more approaches to sharing my faith with my students, so Thank You! I appreciated having the handy “note taking printout” to follow along as you were addressing each topic. I also liked that the webinar was interactive!

    I submitted one question that Nick immediately answered, the other question I’m hoping you’ll be able to answer in your blog. I was wondering if the slide show presentation will be available for print out, as an additional resource as well, or only the video recording?

    Thank you, again!
    🙂 Valerie

    • Valerie, thanks for all your kind words! Sorry, the slides will not be available as an additional resource…just the recordings. Best wishes in your ongoing ministry!

  12. Thank you for your presentation. It was very informative and interesting. Currently I’m teaching 7-13 years of age as well as adults. I was just thrown into it, you might say, shortly after completing the RCIA program myself so I’m still learning. Your webinar was most helpful. Looking forward to your next webinar. God bless you for all the work you do.

  13. Will it be possible to watch or listen to your webinar at another time. With the time difference, it is difficult to watch, live. Debi Anchorage Alaska

  14. Missed your webinar last night…didn’t find out about it on time. Glad it will be available soon. Meantime I an studying the other tools that you have made available. I’m a new catechist and they are very informative and helpful. Thank you!

  15. I missed the webinar. My problem is its time. Is there a way I can get handouts on the seminar of August 17 [Primary School].

    Thank you and more power.

    • Hi Daye. The only handout available is the note-taking handout that you can download from my post on 8/16/11. A recording of the webinar will be available in a few days on my blog…you can watch that at your convenience.

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